Alternating Path

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A faint ceiling light shines down upon a mostly bare floor partially outlined with a handful of decrepit foldable chairs.

From along one of the room's shadowy walls opens a door where a trio of fox hybrids enter through. The first of the foxes points to a lone standing chair in the middle of the illuminated floor, where the following two drop the Psycorp security worker.

Three shadowy silhouettes loom over the beaten security worker as he lounges in a mangled state upon the chair.

The centermost of them begins to taunt "So, you think you can just march onto our turf and take one of us away, did ya?"

Behind the fox, the door opens once more with an additional trio pouring out. Each of these three new arrivals encroaches upon the already present foxes only to stop just a meter behind them.

Balling his fist he swings into Adiel's cheek, continuing in a yelling tone "And have our brains operated on, just because we don't act the way you want!"

The centermost of the rear group boldly inquires aloud "The hell do you think you are doing?""

The interrogating fox turns around finding three shadowy fox hybrid silhouettes facing him and his accomplices.

Lowering his ears in irritation, the interrogating fox points towards the seated avian and protests "Don't you recognize this uniform?

"I do" the centermost of the figures answers before approaching him.

Nearing the interrogating fox, the inquiring fox rebuttals " Do you recognize the recent skirmish between them and the Colonial Law Enforcement, right across the street?"

The interrogating fox steps back with concern slowly washing over his previously irritated glare as the inquiring fox continues "A skirmish that is still ongoing"

Taking another step closer to the interrogating fox, the inquiring fox concludes "And in your great pursuit of virtue, you dragged him and possibly that skirmish here"

The interrogating fox pans his sight to the security worker and back to the inquiring fox.

Speechless in regards to the current dilemma, he silently holds his mouth open in a vain attempt to protest further.

Watching the inquiring fox point towards Adiel, his associates move to retrieve him while he directs "I'll take care of the Fed bait you brought in. You can handle packing our equipment"

As his associates drag the avian towards the door, the inquiring fox turns around muttering "No telling how much time we have before they trace him back to here"

Crossing through the door and into a narrow decrepit corridor , one of the foxes carrying Adel asks "You want us to feed him to a meat processor, or...?"

Emerging from the door behind them, the inquiring fox answers "We're taking him off site. Once we're far enough away we'll figure out how to dispose of him."

Exiting the building onto an alley in the rear of the building, the two foxes haul the avian towards a gray rusted van accompanied by another fox.

Noticing his associates carrying a body, he parts from his leaning posture along the driver side door to open the rear double doors on the rear.

Joining the others outside the inquiring fox heads for the van's left side door hollering "Hurry up!"

Seating himself inside, the inquiring fox peers behind his chair. Watching his assailants loading the avian's body into the rear of the van he shares aloud their dilemma "If the feds find him with us, they'll think we're in cahoots with him."

Finally setting down Adiel's body, one of the associate foxes passively challenges "Don't the feds already have it out for us?"

Slowly nodding side to side, the inquiring fox explains "Right now, the police aren't hunting us down, but if they associate us with him, then all that can change"

The remainder of the foxes load into the seats of the van. The interrogating fox loads into the front passenger seat, while his 2 assailants stay with the avian in the back. Between them, the inquiring fox and his associates occupy the middle three seats. Finally, the initial driver of the vehicle returns to the vehicle, taking his seat behind the steering wheel.

Looking back towards the inquiring fox now in the center of the middle row, the driving fox asks "Where to boss?"

Stretching out his arm forward, the inquiring fox points his finger to the right directing "Take us to the interstate, I'll tell you when to turn"

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