Suspect Speculation

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Thick shroud fills the sides of a long corridor, occasionally interrupted by sparingly installed ceiling lights. Journeying down this long hall, a thin pale agent and his plump Hispanic partner begin to discuss the circumstances of the sole escapee from their recent operation.

Amidst their casual paced walk, one agent exhales in concern "There's something that concerns me about our last covert op."

Looking up towards his thin coworker, the plumb agent asks "What, the one that escaped?"

"Yeah, there's something about him that sticks out", the pale man elerabates.

"You afraid of a planetary immigrant, Rayman?" the shorter agent taunts.

Slightly turning his head towards his coworker as he continues his walk, Rayman clarifies "That immigrant shows physical attributes similar to a species the colonies crafted a long time ago, Dominic. A species I thought that we had driven to extinction"

Comically grinning, Dominic scoffs "I don't remember the Colonies engineering bird people"

"Not birds" Rayman exclaims, before continuing "Almost a century ago the colonies created a hybrid species based on a reptilian strain, raptor in particular"

"So, you think some of these raptors escaped and then somehow evolved into birds in only a hundred years or so?" Dominic challenges.

"I don't know where else we'd sentient avain life" Rayman exclaims.

"Could just be another form of extraterrestrials", Dominic dismisses.

Subtly nodding side to side, Rayman refutes "That's their alibi, but I'm not buying it"

Reaching a doorway at the end of the hall, the thin agent opens the door, allowing his partner to exit before him. Descending a stone staircase the two men briefly wander down the sidewalk before entering their parked SUV.

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