The Virus

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Aggressive chanting and hollering echo down the asphalt streets while a dark unmarked van silently resides within an adjacent alley nearly concealed under the towering shadows of the surrounding buildings.

Inside the idle vehicle a trio of black and white dressed man loom over a red furred fox hybrid, tearing at the eyes, who frighteningly struggles in vain against the two rubber belts that restrain him to the cold metal floor.

Arms stretched across his two partners, the center most agent bears a menacing smile softly exhaling "After we follow through with this we'll finally be able to kiss our pest problem goodbye"

Subtly shivering, the agent to his left voices his concern "Are you sure we have no other alternatives?"

Tightening his grip, the center agent pulls his two colleagues closer, gently, yet aggressively affirming "I am"

Slowly retracting both arms to his sides, he turns to a small lockbox lying against the corner.

Flipping both latches along the dark container lid, the man draws a syringe holding a dense lime green solution within its clear plastic casing.

Returning to the restrained hybrid, he bends his knees widening his smile ear to ear.

Pressing the tip of the metallic point against his fur coated arm, the agent locks eyes with his bound victim.

Wrapping his remaining hand firmly around the fox's snout, he leans closer, whispering "This ends now"

Pressing down on the end of his needle, the agent pushes the dense liquid into the hybrid's arm, as the restrained fox whimpers under his tight grip.

Withdrawing the syringe from the fox's now punctured arm, the leading man slowly unhinges the belts holding his victim to the vehicle's floor.

Opening the rear doors of the van, the two subordinate agents climb onto the littered concrete ground.

Soon after, they are followed by the leading agent, holding the fox by the back of his neck.

Pushing his trembling victim ahead, the agent menacingly taunts "Go back to your friends and family, boy"

Struggling to remain standing upon his shaking feet under the influence of panic and confusion, the fox looks over his shoulder silently scolding.

"Fa... Fa... Fuck you!" he utters.

Casually approaching him, the agent shoves him forward once more, continuing to taunt under an eerie smile "Go on. Go find help"

As fear takes over his mind, the fox dashes from the alley, nearly falling to his side while to turns abruptly at its end to run along the paved roads.

Running towards the distant holering and chanting, the fox finds three of his colleges along the way, relaxing by an outside staircase leading to the entrance of their residence.

Just before he reaches his friends, the fox experiences a massive ping against his heart. Holding a hand over his chest he suddenly loses conscious collapsing to the cold stoned sidewalk.

Gathering around their fallen friend the other foxes tilt their heads in curiosity.

Regaining consciousness from his involentarly yet momentary slumber the fox feels a violent surge run through his veins as his blood pressure spikes beyond any condition he had endured before.

Hastily yet clumsy raising himself to his feet once more, the fox desperately attempts to plea for help, only to voice aggressive and incoherent growls.

Placing his hands atop the shoulders of the unintelligible fox, the nearest colleague asks "Jeremy, are you okay?"

Firmly grabbing hold over the concerned fox's upper arms Jeremey pushes his friend to the ground before pouncing on him, tearing away at his urban clothing and furred flesh.

Watching this scene in horror the remaining two foxes slowly back away towards the staircase.

Nearing their entry, one of the foxes repeatedly slams his hand against the cracked wooden door frantically calling out "David! Grab the gun. Something's happening"

Observing the scene wind down as the growling fox gradually slows his assault to a halt, the idle fox softly whispers under his breath "What the fuck just happened?"

The door opens with an orange furred fox steps outside bearing a homemade pump action firearm. Looking down onto the bloodstained and drooling Jeremey through his dark shades, he cocks back on the under barrel pump of his weapon before aiming upon his now deranged friend.

Just as he pulls back on the trigger, his nearby roommate who summoned him wanders into his line of fire.

Releasing his finger, David sends out a splitting round that strikes into the side of his head, shattering part of his skull.

Watching part of his head explode into a red misty ball, the orange fox steps back, appalled at what he'd just done.

Charging towards him, Jeremey races down the street before launching himself up the stairs with his tongue hanging out of his widely opened mouth.

Recognizing the violent movement of the feral fox David pulls himself from shock, cocking his firearm once more.

Before he could center the end of his barrel onto the attacker, Jeremey leaps upon him, knocking the armed defender to the carpet floor past the front entrance.

Pressing his weapon against his chest, David holds his attacker at bay.

Peeking over his assailant's body, he watches his remaining friend take off down the stairs in a fear fueled sprint.

Returning his attention to the bloodstained fox atop him, David pulls back on the trigger hoping to scare his attacker away.

Hearing the thunderous boom, blast from his weapon, the defending hybrid violently flinches losing hold of his firearm.

Knocking the weapon out of his hands, the attacking hybrid lunges into David, wildly tearing at his neck.

Casually passing the brutal scene, the unmarked van slowly cruises down the road. Spectating from behind the front passenger window, the leading agent smiles and raises his feet to a resting position atop the dashboard. Sinking himself into the chair he shares his expectations on what is to come.

"In about half an hour this mutagen will evolve to the point where it can spread through the pores of their skin. That'll make our little science project go practically airborne. Even though this substance only affects the animals, we do not want to be here when it kicks in"

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