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The shining moonlight illuminates the campus grounds of Psycorp University.

Though the buildings appears mostly intact, artificial light is absent from the windows and surrounding street lamps.

Dozens of human and hybrid bodies lay slain, scattered across the grassy courtyard.

A pair of pickup trucks, loaded with armed hazmat suited men gracefully makes their way to the street just before the courtyard, followed by two Psycorp marked vans.

Reaching the campus landscape, the vehicles park, allowing their occupants to dismount.

While the hazmat suited men leap from the truck beds, the rear doors of the vans kick open, additional armed psychcorp personnel pouring out.

The two teams of six men, who had arrived on the trucks, set themselves up in a semicircle facing away from the entrance of the building. While the additional pair of team consisting of six men each, stack off to the side of the double doors, that stood as the main entrance to the university.

Pulling on the door handle, only to have it jerk back against his motion, the point man of the breaching personnel concludes the main entrance to be locked.

Leaning past the corner, he places a small explosive charge against the meeting of the two doors.

After priming the charge he leans back with his breaching associates.

"Fire in the hole", he softly repeats three times over the radio.

A small orb of non visible energy bursts from the explosive charge, shattering the lock mechanism before swinging the doors inwards.

Taking notice of the doors giving way, the point man makes his advance into the structure.

His armed associates proceed into the building after him.

Their rifle mounted flash lights reveal splashes of blood across the walls, and a hand few of eviscerated corpses laying throughout the hall.

Continuing through the blood stained corridors, the individual members of the breaching team sweep their rifles over the rooms and halls they pass, unearthing further carnage.

As more advanced further into the building, one or two of the armed hazmat suited men would break off to search these open rooms.

Passing one hall in particular, one of the men takes notice to another double door entrance.

Both of the doors, scratched and dented, swing back and forth on a singular hinge, holding them from collapsing to the floor.

"I think I found the infected point of entrance.", he calls over radio.

"Noted", another voice remarks over radio.

The directing man of the squad uses arm motions signaling the two rear most men to set up at the previously broken down entrance.

While the two men set up in defensive locations, facing the swinging doors, the remaining personnel proceed through the corridor to the next intersection.

Reaching the intersection that lays as the center point of the ground floor, the armed men wait for their associates to catch up behind them.

Once the leader of the breaching team finds all his members to be regrouped, he gives direction over radio for them to proceed in locating a stairwell.

The men slip off in three teams down the halls of the intersection, spending a handful of minutes in search before one of them calling their findings over comms.

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