The Hunt Begins V2

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Early Dawn sets in, as Adiel and his nameless fox-human associate watch over the nearby, cracked pavement, streets from the heights of one of the many condemned buildings that represented the poverty stricken neighborhood.

The fox opens dialogue with boasting about a gadget he obtained from Frails.

"You see this?"

The owl turns his head to face his associate, inquiring, "What?"

He is presented with a device, unfamiliar, yet promising.

"This thing can extract information from other electronic equipment. Raw Data, Text Documents, and even video."

"You don't say..." Adiel's ears perk upwards, with interest.

With these apparatus, in addition to a camera he picked up from the apartment, the former Psycorp security worker begins to blissfully fathom the idea that he could begin his own hunt against the Colonial Agency and Hierarchy.

The fox inquires, "So you said you wanted some reconnaissance right?"


"Well, where should we go to find something worth retrieving data from.?"

As the owl and fox begins to contemplate, the approaching sound of police sirens breaks their brainstorming session.

"Looks like they're coming to us." Adiel remarks.

Several Police cruisers drift into a defensive position, before several low ranking law enforcers dismount drawing their firearms, facing the main entrance of the building the two hybrid resided in just a few hours ago.

."How, who the fuck snitched?", the fox replies.

"You guys take that truck out for a ride while I slept yesterday?"


"Tell me you didn't re-enable the G.P.S."

"Of course we did, how the hell are we supposed to get around without it."

"Well that's how they found us. They probably want their ride back." Adiel concludes.

Despite the parked cruisers the sound of approaching sirens continued.

The sight of multiples SWAT trucks pulling up behind the cruisers raises alarm with the owl hybrid.

The concern rose, that these enforcers were not here for their stolen vehicle... They were here to clean up their loose end... Him.

The arrival of three dark tinted SUV's confirms this fear, driving the owl hybrid to pull his associate away.

The two make their way to another rooftop, via means of hopping from one ledge to another.

They set up, prone position, with their equipment ready.

Adiel checks on his camera, noticing the footage of the attack on Psycorp missing. He had taken the wrong camera with him.

For a moment despair sets in, yet is relieved when he sees blonde furred fox hybrid apprehended by a trio of agents in an alleyway.

He sees the agents retrieve a camera from his bag.

Adiel instructs his nearby associate to retrieve the data from the captured camera.

Establishing a lock onto the video recently confiscated recording equipment, the fox hybrid begins to download the footage from its memory.

Near finished with the download, he witnesses the agents executing Frails.

"Shit... they murdered him."

Adiel states, "Alright, we're done here.", before inquiring, "You extract the data?"

"What, from the camera?"


Acquiring the flash drive from his gadget, the fox answers, "Yep, I've got it right here.."

Handing it over to Adiel he inquires, "You know I've never gotten to ask, what's your name?"

Receiving the flashdrive, he stuffs it into his jacket pocket replying, "I don't know who you are, and you don't know who I am. It is in our best interest to keep it that way."

Adiel abruptly departs, leaping to another rooftop, of which was a short distance from the building the fox was still on.

The fox begins to wonder why his partner took off with such haste. Yet his train of thought is cut short by hearing a number of incoming footsteps.

He turns to the source of the sound, finding a trio of agents, identically to those he had just observed.

Fear sets in, as the middle of these men taunts, "Looks like we have an unwanted witness here."

The owl hybrid comes to a ladder on the side of a distant building, far from where he departed from his associate, leading him down into an alley.

Reaching the ground level he hears a singular distant gunshot from the area he left his recent associate.

Adiel looks at his wrist bound tablet, to check on Station 17, only to find it currently being raided by another SWAT team, from the perspective of a ceiling cam.

"Fuck me..." He complains to himself, while remotely priming the improvised explosive device to the computer of that residence.

Overhearing a loud yet far explosion Adiel concludes his prior residence had fallen, and Station 17 would succumb to a similar fate.

He exits the alleyway, entering into the public view of the streets.

Perching himself against one of the many buildings he sparks a cigarette, giving himself a moment to contemplate his next move.

In the middle of his smoke, he decides use one of the phones he took from the apartment dwellers.

In Adiel's best efforts to remember the cell phone number of Conrad, his Psycorp supervisor, he dials in the number, hoping to reach him.

A pair of police officers stroll by, confronting the owl hybrid.

"Hey buddy, whatcha smokin there?", one interrogates before stretching out an open hand.

Giving in to the officer's implied demands, Adiel hands over the cigarette.

After taking a couple puffs, the officer smiles, and thanks him, before continuing down the sidewalk with his coworker and newly acquired cigarette.

The owl nods politely, silently consenting to the officers as they pass by.

He fetches another cigarette from his coat pocket.

The ringing ceases, indicating the call had reached its target, just as Adiel lights his second cigarette.

"Hello?", comes from the phone, in a familiar voice.

"Yo Conrad, you there?"

"Yeah, is this who I think it is?"

"Yeah, is it cool if I stay at your place for a bit?"

"Of course, what's going on man?"

As the two continue their dialogue, they conduct a plan to meet with his old supervisor.

Concluding his call, Adiel tosses his half finished smoke, making way to the decided location.

From the other end of the call, a robotic being, disengages from the call.

It was not Conrad he had reached, but the Psycorp Prodigy.  

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