
15 1 0

Emerging from the tall grass a number of republican infantry advance across the crater littered field, at a walking pace.

Weapons lowered the men survey the area before them. Perceiving the plain to be desolate, the republican infantry begin to spread themselves farther apart, while maintaining their arrowhead formation.

Taking observation of the flame patched hills in the distance, the autorifleman keenly scans the elevated horizon for the vehicles that had engaged him earlier.

Meeting his sight, a billowing cloud of smoke walls off the horizon skylining the hill. He finds two of the four grenade launching jeeps rendered to flame lit husks. Panning his view across the hill he continues his search for the remaining pair of light vehicles.

Sporadic gunfire and explosive detonations echo throughout the plain giving a faint sign of life to the firefight still in progress.

Peering to his left he watches a group of four fellow infantrymen, continue through the long stretch of open ground. Taking his attention is the right, he sees twice as many just beyond his immediate associates.

Progressing through the open plain virtually uncontested, the group of republican infantry begin to ease into a state of clam.

Peering around him, the autorifleman notices the men walking aside, are members of his fireteam. He softly chuckles under his breath at the thought that he, and presumably the rest of his team, had managed to regroup, subconsciously.

A man enters his vision darting the right of his peripheral vision to his left. After a brief glimpse he recognizes the radio antenna sticking from his backpack. Upon further speculation he spots the numerical marking of his fire team just below his left shoulder. Adding these details together, the light machine gunner identifies this man, as his fire team leader.

Matching his movement, the autorifleman abruptly turns left, maintaining his relative diagonal position behind him.

Continuing their diverted advance, the dark and red schemed infantry maneuver themselves parallel to the tall grass.

Nearing an uneven section of the plain, the republican infantry lower their stance to a hunching posture as they continue behind their team leader.

Moving around the cluster of small elevated hills as concealment, they continue their advance towards the distant hill top.

Thunderous waves of sound wash over the atmosphere, entering into the team leader's perception.

He raises his left arm with a compacted open palm, signalling his team mates to halt.

Maneuvering around a nearby slope the team leader peaks just before it's hilltop.

Retrieving a pair of binoculars, he takes a keen scan over the distant horizon.

Watching the peak of the elevated hills, he finds the remaining two grenade launching jeeps emerging from the far left side.

A dozen infantry from both sides of the vehicular pair descend down the long grassy slope.

The gunners of these lightly plated vehicles watch the lower landscape through the optics of their mounted grenade launcher, while the infantry continue down into the plain.

Deeming that he has seen enough, the team leader ducks beneath the small incline.

Returning to his team he faces the autorifleman and his assistant, instructing "Four-Two and Three, I want you to watch the hill to our right, and provide suppression." Turning to the remaining infantry, he directs "Four-Four, you're with me."

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