Unconventional Civil Unrest

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The beginning of fading sunlight of early evening sets over the colony's capital district.

Driving through streets littered with crashed and abandoned civilian vehicles, a dark SUV searches for the rioters mentioned in their prior briefing.

Though destruction of property both vehicles and buildings were apparent, an eerie detail lingered. Varying objects prone to theft still resides.

Taking notice to this detail, Dominic turns to his partner Ryan, mentioning, "Where's the rioters? Shouldn't they be looting places like this?"

Maintaining to focus his sight on the road ahead, as to navigate the mess of vehicles abandoned in the streets, Ryan adds, "It's quiet, too quiet."

"What do you think happened here?", Dominic asks.

Peering through his windshield Ryan takes note of this element replying, "This ain't right. Those damn hybrid, have a history of stealing shit if the opportunity comes."

Scanning the torn urban environment through his passenger seat window, Dominic adds"And now would be that very situation..."

The vehicle comes to a halt, as Ryan spots a bloody and mangled corpse, lying on the sidewalk.

Watching his partner step out of the vehicle, Dominic exits as well to follow him and see what has caught his attention.

Reaching Ryan as he stops by the motionless corpse, Dominic finds the cause of their abrupt dismount.

Before him lies a humanoid body, with head, torso, legs and arms half eaten, some areas revealing sections of the victim's bone.

Dressing a pair of disposable latex gloves, Ryan sorts though the pockets of the deceased being.

Just as he pulls out its contents, the corpse begins to violently and repeatedly twitch.

Such unnatural reflex, sent Ryan leaping away.

As the two agents paced themselves away from the half eaten body, the deceased being ceases its twitching, and attempts to stand on its torn and broken feet.

They watch as this being collapses, unsure of the event they had just witnessed.

"He's... not dead?", Dominic ponders aloud.

"Seems to be the case." Ryan remarks, as he holds the leather wallet he confiscated from the being.

He retrieving the identification card from the leather pocket to identify the victim.

The half eaten being was a human male, who lived within the city.

Ryan conducts a cross reference of the man's information with the colony's personnel database, through a handheld electronic device. finding that his occupation was a commercial logistics driver.

Failing to find the information useful he hands the wallet and device over to his partner Dominic.

While Dominic makes his own analysis, Ryan watches the torn body crawl towards them, with more curiosity than concern.

"Any chance you think this could be a race riot?" Dominic asks his partner.

"Can't be. Some of the imagery I was given displays these animals eating their own kind, just like our human victim over here.", Ryan answers, pointing towards the half eaten body, still trying to make it's way towards them.

With the victim coming within several meters from them, Ryan extends his arm raising his hand, ordering the person to stop, while his other hand rests on his holstered handgun.

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