Self Awareness

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Four faint lighted monitors illuminate the Prodigy's decaying vessel, and nearby crafting table.

Various electronic pieces lay about on the table. Several robust limbs, constructed from metal, lean against the side of the wall behind him.

Intent on creating a new vessel for his conscious mind to escape the eroding, deceased human body, he crafts the neurological interface for his mental transfer.

While configuring the wiring into the metallic, computer device, he briefly contemplates his own origin.

Lacking memory of his creation, he can only recall the events from his activation in the wilderness and only having those of his activation where he encountered the Colonial quick reaction force, to the present.

Hypothesizing that further investigation into the force that pursued him would lead him closer to finding the details to his creation.

Completing configuration of the device, he rests his decaying hands onto the crafting table.

He estimates he has only a half an hour before his muscle tissue would expire, rendering him incapable of assembling the pieces of his new body together.

He turns to the metallic limbs lying on the opposing side of the room, approaching them hastily, as to not squander his remaining time as a functional being of decaying flesh.

Back and forth he carries the limbs to the crafting table, before attaining hold of a torch, purposed as a metal welding apparatus.

Attaching electric wires across the multiple pieces, he establishes connection between the arms and legs meeting at a thick metallic torso, similar to that of human anatomy.

He welds the attachments together, having the chrome metallic skin further reinforce the connection between wiring of the multiple limbs.

Finalizing the bodily construction he installs a camera like head between the shoulders, help up by a small metallic neck.

Completing construction of his new vessel, the prodigy approaches a nearby computer terminal with a crane he had modified for surgical precision and delicate handling.

Applying the lines of code, directing the crane to carefully relocate his device that holds his conscious to the appropriate spot on the newly constructed chrome metallic body.

Double checking his lines of script, he ensures the necessary measurements and calculations are correct, as a failure in this process would cause indefinite or permanent death.

He sets a timer for ten seconds, until the crane will initiate its' programed procedure.

He seats himself where he has the crane scripted to begin, seating himself to the detail as he calculated earlier.

Maintaining perfectly still, the prodigy allows the machine to surgically re-locate and install his conscious to the body of metal lying on the table.

Four thin bladed appendages surrounding the crane's larger inner three claws, peel back the decaying man's skull, revealing the electronic device containing his conscious mind.

The three inner claws descend upon the open skull, reaching out and cleaning hold of the device.

With the device in its grasp, the crane ascends before moving over the metallic body, descending again to attach and install the digital conscious.

A handful of minutes pass as the automated procedure concludes.

A jolt of electricity shoots from a nearby machine, into the metallic body, activating it's conscious component.

Reawakened, the Prodigy steps from the table.

Stretching out his metal limbs he asses the flexibility of his new vessel, before taking off on short walking bursts to evaluate his mobility.

Confident in his new body, he begins to run several warm up tasks for his new cybernetic enhancements to his digital conscious.

His mental interface visits the online Colonial Public Data Library.

As the now metallic being starts to study the recorded archives, he notices his mental conscious able to access and evaluate a mass amount of documents at a time.

Though he acknowledges that there is much to learn and acquire before the metal being can properly confront his pursuers, he is well on his way to reaching such.

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