Saving a Brother

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Five, SUV's make their way into a wooded area, Traversing a narrow dirt road. The agents and heavily armed government operatives inside intent on apprehending their latest lead on Adiel, sole escapee of their false flag attack.

In the center vehicle, Conrad sits, in the rear, between two agents.

Handcuffed, and black bag over his head, he can't help his fear of inevitable danger.

"So, how much longer do we have to go, before we find your buddy?".

Conrad makes a gesture with his hands, indicating he does not know.

"This is bullshit." Complains the front passenger.

"Shut it." The driver rebukes.

"No, this is probably some trap.".

"I said, shut the fuck up.".

A moment of silence passes over the occupants, as they continue onward.

Ahead of them a small and faint explosion occurs, causing a tree to collapse. This blocks the road before them.

The convoy comes to an unanticipated halt. The occupants from all vehicles are thrusted forward into the dashboard or front seats, and back into their seats as a result of the sudden deceleration.

In an instant the radio channels comes to life, with confusion and concern, until a prevailing voice commands, "Dismount. Get 360 security."

Doors swing open from all vehicles. Agents and heavily armed men dressed in tactical vests, known as operatives, pour out forming an outer perimeter around the convoy.

Expected some sort of ambush to occur, they scan the wooded horizon. Their sight is met with an abnormal amount of bushes and trees limiting their vision.

"I see nothing.", comes over the radio comms.

"Keep looking."

"It could've been a freak accident..."

Without warning several crackling sounds pierce through the distant defilade.

Without time to react, multiple agents are hit in vital areas, killing them on the spot.

Seeing their coworkers fall, the remaining operatives open fire in the general direction they presume the fire to be coming from.

To no avail, they send a blind rain of gunfire into the distant woodlands, while continuously taking casualties.

Dropping like flies, the few that remain retreat to their vehicles, taking what cover they could.

The only survivor of Conrad's proximity escort, pulls the man out of the vehicle, before removing the black bag that covered his head.

The agent presses his sidearm against the back of Conrad's now exposed neck screaming, "Is this what you want, Mother Fuckers?!"

On the edge of the woods, bordering the dirt road the agent sees branches of several bushes moving aside, a clear indication of movement.

A man dressed in rural clothing emerges, short hair, and mountain beard, sporting sunglasses, hands raised.

"That's right. Come here Cowboy.", the agent taunts.

Taking notice of his trench coat, he redirects his sidearm towards the man aggressively inquiring, "What's in the coat, asshole, what's in the fucking coat?"

Now bearing a confident smile he opens his jacket, revealing several flashbang grenades hooked to a single string, stitched to the sides of his trench coat.

Just as the agent realized what was happening, a flash of light, followed by a thunderous wave of sound ripples through the surrounding area.

A rifle round strikes through the left eye of the agent, knocking both him, and his hostage down onto the dirt road.

Smoke grenades launch from the distance, engulfing the area around the backwoods man and deceased agent.

The man, recovering from the shock of his flash bang rigged jacket, rushes to Conrad's aid.

Helping him up, the man escorts the former psycorp supervisor into the woods.

Under the cover of both the smoke clouds, and distant rifle fire immediately suppressing anyone brave enough to break from cover, allowing them to make their escape.

The last of the agents turn to the building clouds of smoke around the center vehicle. Unable to decipher any moving figures, they fire blindly into the predominant grey plumes.

The seemingly continuous gunfire keeps the agents and operatives pinned.

Unable to get a beat on where the rain of projectiles are coming from they are ordered by their team leaders to return to their vehicles in an attempt to escape.

Assisting Conrad in making his way deeper into the woods, the man notices blood leaking from his side.

"You hit bro?"

"Yeah, how much longer do we have to go?".

"We got a station not far from here."

"Shit...", Conrad groans.

"You'll be fine Brother. Have faith."

Roughly three hundred meters behind the treelines, a group of backwoods fighters, takes notice of a single SUV speeding away from the area.

"Ah shit. That fucker's gonna bring more of his friends, ain't he?".

"That don't matter much. We're far enough from our home, that they'll be lookin' for us in the wrong neck of the woods."

Taking observation of the carnage left behind, another asks, "You think we're done here?"

A moment of silence passes. Seeing their fellow man, with Conrad they begin to fall back.

While they peel off into the wilderness, a couple of these bandit warriors begin to brag and criticize one another.

"You see those headshots? That's all natural skill."

"Yeah right Billy. All you ever do is hunt animals. Tell me something new."

Such dialogue gives these men a sense of warming comfort during the dangerous situations they embark on.   

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