Psycorp Reform

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Three men uniformly dressed in lab coats, make their way down a dim lit corridor inside Psycorp's underground facility.

Walking in an arrowhead formation, with the dark skinned Dr. Marcus leading the other two pale associates, William and Lenin, towards their destination. Despite being in their middle ages, they appear sage and withered, yet focused.

Reaching a room at the end of the corridor, Lenin turns to check their rear.

Looking down the hall he watches as a handful of Psycorp associates busing around through the different rooms aligned with the corridor. With all familiar beings in his sight he softly calls out, "All Clear."

The three individuals proceed through the door into the room, past a pair of white colored, hazmat suited security guards.

Entering inside, they approach an additional pair of doctors, facing large computer screens, with their hands busy at the keyboard like interface.

On the screen an automated system pops open an attendance sheet. The document updates.

Marcus, Psycorp District HeadQuarters Director - Missing

William, Psycorp Psychological Investigation Director - Missing

Lenin, Psycorp Psychological Communications Director - Missing

Patrick, Psycorp Psychological Enhancement Director - Present

George, Psycorp Psychological Reconstruction Director - Present


Marcus, Psycorp District HeadQuarters Director - Present

William, Psycorp Psychological Investigation Director - Present

Lenin, Psycorp Psychological Communications Director - Present

Patrick, Psycorp Psychological Enhancement Director - Present

George, Psycorp Psychological Reconstruction Director - Present

"Dr. Patrick, Dr. George." The Headquarters director announces himself.

The two men turn from their communications mainframe, acknowledging Marcus's presence.

"Glad to see you're still among the living.", Patrick greets the arriving doctors.

"Glad to see you have survived as well.", Marcus replies.

The dark skinned doctor advances towards the communications mainframe, beginning to browse through the computer like interface.

"You hear from the other stations?", Marcus asks.

"We've yet to hear from them, yet we should give more time for their response.", Patrick answers.

"Right, so we're sticking with the plan. If we don't hear from them in the next fifteen minutes, we're on our own."

"We did give them short notice. They may need a little more time." George advises.

Marcus hails the facility's chief of security, through the computer like interface.

An individual dressed in uniform to the security guards of the room appears on the large, thin screen above the keyboard.

"Are the surface doors sealed?", Marcus inquires aloud.

"All entrances are locked down. Those flesh eaters won't be able to reach us here." the security chief responds through a mentally, digital sounding, echoing voice.

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