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Marinating in a small pool of blood, Director Matthew turns his attention from his bodily wounds looking up to find Agent Anderson, looming over him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?", the agent scorns the clinical executive in a deep, soft voice.

Titling his weary head up, acknowledging Anderson, Matthew mutters under his blood coughing breath, "The fuck is wrong with you?... We're doctors... Fucking doctors"

Turning his head, the agent pans his vision, left and right, gesturing a note to the devastation lain across the road. Returning his attention back to the wounded lab coated man he answers, "What kind of doctors cause this sort of mess?"

"It was self defense"

"You could've pulled over"

The conversation comes to a chilling still, as the two men look furiously upon each other.

Breaking from his stare, Anderson takes a passive gaze upon the fallen clinical workers in the field, off to the side of the road, before sweeping his vision to the left of the vehicle, noticing another black and white dressed operative approach.

"So what do we have here?", the arriving agent inquires.

Looking down upon the bleeding man Anderson answers, "Another mad scientist, turned terrorist"

Turning back to the recently arrived agent he continues, "People like him are typically beyond rehabilitation"

Panning his vision across the road and open field, the agent inquires further, "So is this it?"

Directing his attention to the open field, he extends his arm towards the wilderness past the slope, sharing "There's a stretcher that rolled down into the woods. I want you to dispatch a quick reaction force to investigate"

Casually lifting his handgun from his waist bound holster, Anderson fires a round into the head of the bleeding Psycorp director. Trailing off to his SUV, he leaves his partner alone with the fresh corpse.

Taking a momentary gaze upon the recently deceased he raises his sights towards the open field, airing a brief sigh in anticipation of a dreadful search within the wilderness.

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