Reflecting on Creation

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Teal moonlight blankets the urban settlement of the Colonial Capital.

Among many of it's high rising structures, lies the Colonial Supreme Human Resource Department.

Raymen approaches the roman styled megalithic building followed by Dominic and Miles..

"So this is our last task for the night, eh?" Dominic inquires.

"Yep. We grab our report, bring it over to HQ. And we'll have whatever remains of the evening to ourselves," Raymen answers.

Climbing the vast amount of long concrete stairs leading to the entrance, the two gaze upwards at the structure taking notice of its colossal sized columns supporting an enormous, triangular concrete awning so large it eclipsed their view of the shining teal moon.

Reaching the top of the stairs they see before them a number of double door entrances. Each of which is labeled by their specific department.

The three agents proceed through the doors titled, "Experimental Populations"

Traversing through the halls, the agents casually inspect several of the wall mounted monitors displaying; scheduled meetings, company-wide report deadlines, along with other various sets of data meant for the eyes of the employees of this building.

The ceiling lights placed scarcely through the seemingly endless halls, providing enough light to illuminate the floor in a shining white glow, occasionally disrupted by a slight blue hue which was emitted from the screens of the various monitors, dotting the parallel walls.

The marble checkerboard styled floor reinforces the higher class aura the agents felt prior to entering the building.

Upon reaching their intended destination the duo stops outside one of the Human Resource Offices.

Raymen gently knocks on the door while his partner, Dominic, stands off to the side, arms folded.

The door opens with two men Caine and Luke, dressed in long black leather coats, coming out to greet their visitors, before ushering them inside.

"Officer Caine, do you have our report?" Agent Raymen inquires.

"Yes, yes. I just need some time to compile the document into a readable template."

Caine returns to his desk, where he finishes the last edit in a document's text box, before moving his mouse to the upper left hand corner of his computer screen. Clicking on the small titled file tab, he unearths a drop-down menu which contains a variety of options. Dragging his cursor near the end of this list he selects a button labeled "Render"..

Following his action, a small rectangular window emerges onto his screen, displaying another smaller bar inside. This bar gradually fills from left to right, while the percentile ticker on it's upper right end counts upwards.

Raising an eyebrow, Raymen continues, "You don't have it compiled already?"

Luke, interjects, "The report you're asking for has produced some rather conflicting results, in addition to the vast sample group we had to investigate."

The agents and Luke begin to casually argue about the importance of deadlines versus consideration of the Human Resources' staggering workload.

All the while Caine gazes upon his computer screen. Brewing with anxiety, he watches the loading window gradually inch closer to completion.

Pulling his attention back into the conversation, a slightly raised and irritated voice from agent Raymen explains,

"Listen pal, we're just pulling your leg this time... But if this becomes a common occurrence, then we'll have to replace you. Are we clear with one another?"

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