PsychCorp Vs Colonial Police

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The entrance doors of the garage raise, allowing the convoy of ambulances to pass through.

The light of day shines upon them, illuminating their numerical marks. With the first of them marked as "01", and the last of them, "05".

The vehicles travel on course towards the morgue, giving an illusion to the government surveillance that they intend on maintaining the schedule.

Upon coming to the last possible turn before the convoy could redirect its path towards their intended target location, the vehicles pass by a parked SUV.

Inside, Agent Anderson observes the series of ambulances make their abnormal turn, veering off course of the morgue.

Immediately realizing something was adrift, he picks up the in built radio, reporting his findings, and call for reinforcements.

He hastily lays down the radio, back on its holster, before speeding off after the rouge vehicles.

Catching up to the rear most vehicle he maintains roughly fifteen meter spacing.

The Chase Begins

Inside the rear most ambulance, marked 05, two armed hazmat guards notice the black SUV aside by a pair of police cruisers in a wedge formation, tailing them, with sirens blaring.

Over their loud speakers they hear a man ordering, "Pull Over... Now!".

One of the guards places his hand on a psychedelic gas canister, only to be stopped by his partner.

"No... We should wait for more of them to accumulate. It'll make for more effective use of our limited supply.".

After several seconds, a man emerges from the roof of the SUV, firing an assault rifle towards the vehicle.

"What the... they know we're in an armored vehicle right?".

After a brief yet careful listen as to where the bullets were striking, the other his partner interjects, "They're trying to blow the tires.", before kicking open the rear doors.

The doors now hanging open, the two men return fire upon the center most of the pursuing vehicles.

Aiming for the gunner, they take their best shots, only to wound scratch the side of his right arm.

Both parties continue to exchange gunfire, with more participants joining in.

From both patrol cars, policemen arise, from the passenger seat wielding shotguns.

Seeing them as more likely targets to hit, the security personnel redirects their fire.

Though they manage to take out one of the policemen firing a shotgun, one of the medical security personnel receives a fatal wound, falling out of the ambulance.

The remaining security guard can only watch as his partner's body is swept underneath the wheels of the SUV still in pursuit.

He aims his weapon towards the SUV, trifling with the urge for revenge of his fallen coworker.

Only after releasing a couple shots, he hears the clicking sound of an empty magazine.

As he discards his current cartridge for another, the gunner of the SUV strikes him down.

Feeling himself falling out of the vehicle he drags the canister with him, making an attempt to open the valve and release the gas onto the pursuers.

Despite failing to open the canister, the cylinder like object flips and rolls towards the one of the cruisers, in such a manner, causing the vehicle to turn onto its side.

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