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The sunlight of late afternoon coats the environment of a flourishing urban area, just a few kilometers away from the scene of the SWAT raid on Franklin's residence.

Walking along the sidewalk of a crowded city Adiel dwells in a mental brew of hatred.

His hopes of regrouping with his former employer fades as he comes to the belief that it would only be a matter of time before the remainder of his fellow co-workers would be hunted down by Colonial Authorities.

The sight of seeing so many local citizens content with their lives stimulates his negative mindset further.

Happy to be apart of a system of which betrayed, even preyed on him and his associates...

The owl hybrid wanted no such affiliation with the likes of these thoughtless people.

As he continues his journey he hears multiple approaching sirens from behind.

He halts his movement, turning to face the source of the sound. He is met with a speeding convoy of police cruisers and SWAT trucks.

These vehicles pass by, surprising him, as he is certain they are still after him. It was nothing short of a miracle that they did not close in on him for arrest or worse.

Though he grew curious to what they were after he soon dispels his temptation to investigate, as he knew he would not survive an encounter, let alone a head on confrontation with them.

Prior to the shooting at his prior occupation, Adiel would be happy, even obliged to assist law enforcement, yet now he suspects the motives of their actions. He no longer saw them as protectors. He saw them as predators, out for their own interest.

He continues his walk through the crowded area. Further and further as he traveled he would find gathering after another of human populace watching various public television screen from the sides of various recreational buildings.

All of which played news reports, with varying anchors scorning his former occupation, PsyCorp, as a conglomerate of brainwashing monsters.

Adiel contemplates to himself how could a band of doctors, who dedicate their lives to repairing and restoring the damaged conscious of unfortunate men, come to be hated.

Despite his urge to strike these ignorant people, he holds himself back, knowing causing attention to himself would surely cause his demise.

Reaching the limits of the prosperous city, he arrives at a short span of desert roughly two hundred meters between the city he left and a poverty stricken area, similar to the one where he works with the fox human hybrids, in the distance.

Early evening sets in as the owl human hybrid reaches this new slum.

Though much of the infrastructure looked similar to the previous city, it's condition appears to be significantly neglected.

Many of the buildings coated with some sort of granular debris, weather dirt, dust or other matter. The roads bare many cracks, with small amounts of vegetation sprouting from them, as if they had not be cared for in the last several years.

The majority of the inhabitants he sees are humans, with a minority of them having some mechanical apparatus to compensate for varying lost limbs. Most of which are dressed in worn street clothing, some in desert themed rags.

Continuing down the streets, Adiel takes notice to the few locals that looked in his direction with judgemental eyes.

He knows nothing about these people at first, yet after taking another passive observation, he considers the minority of individuals with mechanical augmentations, realizing they are the symbolic opposite of his human animal form.

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