Peaceful Demonstration turned Savage

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Early afternoon sets in as a police cruiser drives along the dirt roads of a poverty stricken area bordering the Colonial's capital city limits.

At the wheel, Julian shares his thoughts pertaining to the news he saw earlier that morning, with his partner Brian, sitting across from him.

"You know that protest at that corporate place is going to turn ugly eventually."

"How so?" Brian inquires.

"They're fucking animals. All it takes is a little agitation and they go nuts."

Julian slows the vehicle, coming to an intersection. He scans to front and perpendicular roads before resuming.

"Hate to say it, but the whole damn hybrid species act exactly how they look."

"That they do," Brian agrees.

The pedestrians the two observe in passing. Some in street attire, while others in construction uniforms.

Despite the majority of them walking along the roads and condemned buildings, the two officers could easily spot the often occurrence illicit drug dealing between hybrids.

Having no interest in putting aside their limited time on duty with petty crimes, the two officers maintain observation of the area as they continue through the dirt roads of the area.

They hear a transmission, voiced by a young woman, abruptly emerging from the vehicle's built in radio.

"Situation at Lenin Employment Complex continuing to develop, requesting additional enforcers to hold security."

Julian turns to his partner and laughs, "See, what'd I tell you?"

"When you're right, you're right," Brian concedes.

The cruiser takes the next turn allowing it to reach the main roads that'd lead them to the developing situation.

Approaching the city, both policemen take notice to the absence of pedestrians along the edge of the urban boundaries.

"Where the hell did everyone go?" Brian ponders aloud.

"Probably out starting trouble or hiding elsewhere with their tails between their legs," Julian replies.

As the police cruiser converges towards the site of civil disobedience, the two policemen begin to see small groups of human and fox-human hybrid walking towards the same direction.

Continuing further more of small groups of colonial citizens are revealed.

Many of the buildings, off to the side of the street, mostly commercial venues, still in operating status with workers about, and logos lit in their neon colored electric wires.

Approaching a wall of demonstrators, the cruiser comes to a halt. Both enforcers step outside of their vehicle to acquire a wider view of the situation, compared to their confined vision inside their government issued automobile.

The sign of the typical protest in motion. Chanting, high holding of taunting wooden pickets.

Julian and Brian unconcerned with the current event lean against the hood of their cruiser, keeping watch for any actions that may give way to harm or destruction.

All goes well with the demonstration until the chanting is abruptly interrupted with frantic screaming from a singular, distant individual.

Julian manages to spot a single fox-human hybrid darting out from an alley, off to the side, into the crowd.

Several attributes of this character strike him as odd. His movement; fast, yet staggered, there were several unbound restraints on his wrists and ankles, and his voice seemed deeper and more aggressive than most hybrid he had previously encountered.

Reaching the group of protesters, he launches himself towards those nearest to him, delivering a powerful bite.

As he tears off a piece of flesh from another hybrid, a number of bystanders rush to pull the two apart. As they continue to exchange physical contact, their behaviors soon begin to mimic those of the irregular hybrid that had approached them.

Witnessing the spread of these cannibalistic attacks, Julian and Brian raise themselves from their leaning stance, yet do not advance. At the current moment they believe a fight has broken out, yet there are too many participants, in this act of violence, for them to intervene without risking them becoming overwhelmed.

Still hesitant on their approach, they observe the irregular violent behavior prevail throughout the crowd, primarily through hybrid, even without physical contact, yet within several meters from another.

Amidst their viewing they a number of hybrid pouncing upon a man. Biting and ripping off parts of his flesh. Upon bringing him to the ground the hybrid move on to additional targets of opportunity, only for the man to rise up and act similar to the those who attacked him.

Beholding the situation before them, Julian returns to the cruiser, while Brian places his hand over his waist bound sidearm ready to draw it at the moment one of these attackers drew close enough to be considered an immediate threat.

Inside the vehicle, Julian reaches for the radio in the between the two frontal seats.mounted onto the dashboard.

"Patrol-04 to HQ, we have a developing situation inside the commercial sector. Message Over."

Over the dashboard mounted communications speakers, a deep and rough male voice responds, "Send it."

Panning his vision left and right of the scene before him. He briefly acquires a number of attendees of the now violent demonstration.

"We've got possibly one to two hundred rioters outside the Lenin Employment Complex. They're... They're fucking eating each other."

A moment of radio silence passes. During this time Julian hears five gunshots, before the front passenger door opens. He turns to find his partner hastily entering, slamming the door shut behind him, with handgun raised towards his window.

"They're coming, get us the fuck out of here!" Brian shouts.

Without hesitation Julian sets the vehicle into reverse, driving the cruiser inverted away from an approaching splinter crowd of rabid fox-human hybrid.

Creating a couple hundred meters of distance between them and the group that is pursuing them, Julian pulls the vehicle into a three point turn, before speeding off further away from the scene.

The voice over the vehicle based radio resumes, "Patrol-04, we're getting multiple reports of similar claim. You are to regroup with remaining department members at western exit of the city. Further instructions will be provided there."

Currently safe from the mob of attackers, the two enforcers attempt to figure out what set off the demonstrators.

"You see that fool running into those protesters?" Brian asks.

"Yeah, you think he was yelling some battle cry or something, and that's what set them off?" Julian replies.

"Can't be, if that were the case they'd be attacking the people inside the building, not each other."

"That's odd. They were all peaceful earlier, until that clown showed up. Then they just started killing each other."

"I think I saw a couple humans in there too. You think they went ape shit along with those animals?" Julian asks his partner.

"Hell if I know. They're probably ripped limb from limb by now."

As the two converse on the matters of racial tension between the hybrid and human populace, they leave behind the city falling into chaos, to join their remaining co-workers at the city's west exit.

All the while an emergency announcement plays over the radio.

"Martial Law has been declared in the Capital district. All Government personnel within the capital and surrounding districts are to divert from current tasking. Effective immediately. You are to contain the downtown area until National Guard arrives. National Guard has been dispatched and is expected to arrive within the next hour."

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