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Reaching an urban settlement, the pack of hybrid survivors continue towards the poverty stricken side of town, carrying backpacks filled with illicit psychedelic drugs.

Weapons tucked under their clothes, they make their best attempts to avoid catching attention from both law enforcement, and the local populace, despite the visible absence of either.

"Any chance you know who was shooting at us earlier?", Adiel asks, Franklin, the leading hybrid.

He sparks a cigarette answering, "Being in the game as long as we've been... We've caught the eye of certain competitors... And we might've pissed off the original locals of this area.".

Exhaling smoke, he assures, "When we get to the spot, you can do some more research for yourself. Just ask one of the boys to let you on the computer for a bit."

Crossing a pair of railroad tracks, the change from the rich and developed, from the near post apocalyptic become evident.

A sudden of change in architectural condition, from the pristine, manicured buildings and roads to a near desolate environment.

Most buildings dimmed with chipped exteriors; paved roads less abundant, bearing plenty of cracks and potholes.

Traversing through one of the many next to lifeless row house settlements, they finally are able to catch a mere glimpse of their intended shelter.

At first a pair of lights emerges from the dark horizon, followed by several more pairs of lights.

As they drew closer their form took shape.

Several Police cruisers and pickup trucks in column formation, converge upon them.

The members of the group continue walking, yet turn their heads away from the oncoming vehicles, in hopes of not catching their attention.

The vehicles pass by the group without interruption.

At first Franklin and his associates felt a ave of relief washing over them.

In their condition they knew they would not survive an encounter with a police force of such size.

Until moments later they grew curious of why the vehicles continued past them, despite the often occurrences of Police profiling hybrid for criminal activity, throughout the colony.

After a brief theorycrafting conversation riddled with conspiracy theories, the group proceeds into the dark and debris littered lands before them.

As the group continues onward, a pair of sudan like vehicles intercept them.

Several hybrid individuals, of fox and hound resemblance, dismount from each vehicle and surround Franklin and his followers.

These new individuals pull side arms from their coat jackets, aiming them towards the worn out bunch.

Exhausted from the long journey, Franklin and his immediate associates are caught unprepared.

Weapons aimed at them, just as they've laid this hands on their own weapons, they find themselves defenseless.

Taking advantage of the situation a wolf human hybrid shouts, "Weapons on the ground bitches!".

The worn group slowly remove their carbines from underneath their clothing, laying them on the cracked road.

A hentchmen, of fox hybrid figure, drags one of Franklin's associates onto the street.

The captive group can only watch as the brutal beatings commence.

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