Contacting Annabeth

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Carter: I was doodling stuff on my note book. I had just finished one of Percy in the tornado thingy fighting -Crocodile gods name-. Then I wrote down my phone number so I could memorize it to give it to people who needed to know. I felt like some one was watching me, so I looked around the room. No one was there it was just me. Saddie and Bast had gone  grocery shopping for some nessasary items. Then my phone rang. It must be Saddie or Bast, they were the only ones who knew my number so you can imagine I was suprized when the number said unknown. "Who's there?" I asked warily. "It's Percy the guy who helped you with the crock god thingy. I can't say you name cause I'm may or may it be kidnaped at the moment and I don't want you to be also but I need you to use that gold coin I gave you but say Annabeth instead of My name and tell her that I'm in Alaska and my longitude and latitude are -Incert the quards- just tell her that and that your a friend." I heard Percy say. Wait what? He was kidnaped and dident say my name so I wouldn't telaport there.  "Percy! How did you get kidnaped and thank you for thinking before you just said my name. So I tell this Annbeth girl where you are and your sure that's were you are?" I asked him wondering what he had gotten himself into. "We passed over some water in the flight to where ever they are taking me and that's the last location I could sence before we wnpent over land again. Tell Annbeth that two. Where I am you can't Iris message and i saw your number in a dream. Don't ask, almost all of our dreams turn out to be real or are happening as we Speak." Percy replied quickly but in a half whisper. Okay so he's kidnaped and wants me to contact a girl named Annabeth because he can Iris message her from were he is. So I replie the most logical thing in my head "Okay Percy, don't die please I hardly know you yet!" I could almost feel his sleepiness as the line got cut. Okay then, I fished out the gold coin from my pocket and did a mist summoning spell I had Saddie teach me for contacting Percy. "Oh Fleasy do me a solid as a favor for Persous Jackson. Show me Annabeth Chase where ever she is." I said as I threw the gold coin in. A rainbow formed and a shimmery image appeared in front of me. It was of a blond girl with Gray stormy eyes and a worried look on her face as she was drawing plans or somthing. "Um hello." I said and the girl jumped. She looked into the Iris Message and replied "Who in Hades are you?" "I'm Carter, a acquaintance of Percy." I was replying but she cut me off when I said Percy's name. "You know Percy? Good way or bad way?" The girl cut in. "Well he called me because he saw my phone number in a dream and told me to message you threw the Iris messaging thingy to tell you that He's in Alaska and Thease are his last quards he sensed before going over land again. He like in the air or somthing, -insert the quards-. He dident tell you about me because I asked him not to but when you see him again tell him I said he can tell you everything he already knows as long as you promise not to tell anyone. And tell him I'm ready to telaport at all times, he'll know what that means." I said as I saw the Iris message was fading quickly. The girl nodded and was scribbling down the Quards. "Thanks Carter!! I'll tell him." The girl said. "Your names Annabeth right?" I said as the Iris message was fading to almost nothing. She nodded then the Iris message was gone. Then I ran to go pack for when Percy said my name and I got telaported.

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