Who's Loki?

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Percy: I had to get out of Thease chains. But how could I convince them to let me out? What would Annabeth say? I thought as a guy walked in who was with the other guys when they had been talking about Loki who ever that was. "So Percy, what do you know about Loki?" The guy asked me. "I honestly have no clue at all. Who is he and why were you guys talking about him? Also did you find out who that invisible to you guys person was?" I asked him. "You must know somthing about Loki!" He said exasperated. I shook my head no and replied "I realy have no clue. Wait was he the invisible guy?" I asked thinking back to the strange guy. The guy in front of me looked surprised and replied "We're not sure, Oh by the way names Tony." "Well hello to you Tony, can I leave now? It's very boring to be tied up and I technicly didn't do anything but defend myself. My mom always said not to go with strange people." I said trying to keep from screaming at the bordom. "Ummm.... You know what I'm just going to go." Tony said walking back to the door. "Wait!! Can I talk to that Thor guy?" I called after him remembering that he must some how know I was a demigod and heard about me. "I'll talk to him." Tony replied walking out of the room. -----Time skip brought to you by FirePheonix one of my faithful followers----- Thor walked into the room carrying a hammer. "You wanted to speak to me Persoues?" He whisper yelled. "Yes Thor, can you deactivate the cameras and video footage so we ap an talk about you know what?" I replied. He nodded and pressed a button on his watch which was red. "You Swear on the river Styx that all are off to your knowledge??" I said. "Yes Persoues I Swear." Thor replied and as he dident get vaporized on the spot i guess he was telling the truth. "Look call me Percy and Thor how do you know about well the whole Demigod thing? Are you the actual Norse god Thor?" I asked him fearing the answer. "Well Percy, yes I am the Thor. Though I'm a god our gods are much weaker then the Greek gods though slit lay stronger than the average Greek or Roman demigod. And no, not all the Norse gods exist anymore most have faded." Thou replied. Great, "Thor, is there any way you could convince them to let me go?" I asked him already knowing the answer. "Well Percy I can't. Us Norse gods swore we wouldn't get involved in the affairs of demigods. Unless directly attacked by one or if The Greek and Roman gods give us permission." Thor replied. And because we're in Alaska they wouldn't be able to give him permission anyways. "Thor, that Steave guy Riptide could hit him." I said as I thought back to when I had knocked him out. Thor nodded, "I think he's distantly related to the gods, just enough for him to be hurt by their wepons but not enough to attract any monsters." Thor said. Distantly related to what God though? "Thank you Thor, I can try to use the most to make it seam like the cameras and voice recorders malfunctioned and you can tell them I told you about how my uncle died. Just say he died from a plane crash, that will be ironic." I said to Thor as he was leaving. "Will do, and Percy from what I gather they will be moving you soon off the Helicarrier. We have already landed but soon they will take you to their base. Cooperate until you get to the transfer vehicle then try to escape then." Thor said then he left. Will do, just need to gather my streanth.

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