Hope restored

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Third Person POV: After a few hours everyone was tired from constant monster attacks and it was about to be sunrise, "Thalia I'm going to need you to try to help Jason man over teh wind to give us one last push over the border." Aritmis said to her and Thalia nodded eerily and placed a hand on Jason's shoulder. The both gave the Argo one last big push over the boarder and collapsed just as the sun rose. "Apollo!" Artemis yelled into teh air knowing she needed him as she was to weak right now from keeping Khione from coming near the Argo two. With a flash of light Apollo was on board and he was about to sing some song when he saw Artemis barely keeping on her feet. "Artemis!, he said and caught her just as she was about to fall over. He gave her some energy so she could stay awake and helped the few wounds she had gotten on her during the fights. "Can you Telaport all of us to Olympus quickly." Artemis said still super tired. Apollo nodded and telaported teh Argo two  and everyone on it to the throne room, Hestia was so supprized she dropped teh stick she had been tending the fire and jumped up to help when she saw Artemis leaning on Apollo who also looked tired from flashing teh whole Argo here. "Artemis, Apollo! youve found them! Would you like me to summon a council meeting?" Hestia asked helping Artemis over to her throne so she could gather her energy. Apollo flashed the injured demigods to his temple and Annabeth beside Percy as he knew she wound Painick if he wasn't beside her even in his terrible state. "Yes, Please do." Artemis replied now regaining her streanth as Apollo was busy tending to the demigods. Hestia sent a beam of fire into the sky summoning them all here. All of the members of the olympian council appeared and saw Artemis on her throne looking slightly tired and Hestia in the middle of the room standing. (The Argo two was now outside of Apollo's temple.) "Why Hestia have you called us here and we're is Apollo?" Zuse asked. "Artemis had frount the missing Demigods and brought them back, Apollo is tending to their wounds as we speak. They were being kept fighting off monsters in Canada from Khione minor godess of ice and snow." Hestia explained. "None are Mortaly wounded expect for one.! Artemis said and all the gods and godess who's children on the Argo two leaned forwards worried that their child might be the dieing one. (Hades and Hestia now have a Thorne but Hestia still likes to tend to the hearth and as she's the one speaking right now she's not on her throne.) "Well who is it?" Zuse asked hoping it wasn't Jason. Hestia sighed said "You all know the ancient posion that was so strong it might make a god fade?" Everyone nodded unsure of what this had to do with them. "Khione some how got a hold of some, how I'm not sure and as you all know as soon as a mortal or demigod gets poisoned by this they die." A feeling of dread came over the council. "One of teh demigods got posioned by this posion and is still alive right now but Apollo can only give him so much Ambrosia and Nectar before his mortal side dies." Hestia continued. Every god or godess with a female child sighed with relief that it wasn't theirs but we're still tense wounding which male demigod had it. "Ares, Hephaestus, Hades, your children are fine except for a couple of broken bones." Hestia said which just made Zuse and Posidon lean forwards more. She looked towrds Zuse and said "Jason is fine expect for over using his powers and a few sword wounds." Then everyone tensed as she turned to Posidon "Posidon, it's Percy " she whispered and Poseidon yelled "I will make Khione fade for this!" The throne room shook violently and Athena and Artemis had to place their hands on him to keep him from going on a rampage. "It's urge you all wish to see your children, I'm sorry Posidon, It's only a matter of time before Percy dies." Hestia said sadly and all the gods flashed to Apollo's temple. All of the demigods were in cots bandaged up or just resting but none were asleep except for Thalia and Jason who were snoring. Annbeth was the only one not in bed as she refused to leave Percy's side. After checking on all of their children tehy all went to go wait for Apollo to let the, into Percy's room where crying could be heard. Apollo opened the door to show a tear trailing down his face and a sobbing Annbeth beside Percy's bed were he was still unconscious. Posidon and Athena rushed forwards to their children. Athena wrapped her arms around Annbeth and tried to comfort her, Annbeth hugged her mom tightly and cried into their shoulder. Posidon was looking at Percy tears streaming down his face, "I'm sorry." Apollo said and all teh gods had tears running down their face. They had no idea how he was still alive even now. That was when Percys heart rate started to speed up.

Percy: I was sitting on a chair in nothingness. It was quite boring here and all I could do was talk to myself when  I got a replie. I had said 'Am i going to stay in ene forevery because it's quite boaring.' And then someone replied "No, you'll die eventually." "What if I refuse to die?" I asked and teh voice laughed. "I'll make it so you want to die." "Um I kind of probuly have the word to save agin and I pretty sure Annebth would be very mad if I died from a posioned bullet. It would be quite silly." I said to the darkness. Teh darkness laughed and a guy came into teh light "We are in the void, the places were faded gods go. I am Oranus the Old Sky god, and you are right it is quite boring here so I watch demigod journeys and I have to admit yours is the hardest I have never seen. I'm actually wondering how you are still alive but yet hear." Oranus said and I bowed. "No need for that Percy, in ap fact sense you are so board and I have no idea how you are still alive how about I fight with you and help you train." He suggested and I nodded. "I don't have anything else to do." I replied yptaking out Riptide. He took out a long sword and after twenty battles I defeated him. "You are quite strong, you should practice fighting everone in teh void. I give up you my blessing for defeating me." Oranus said and shot a bolt of light at me. I felt stronger and thanks him before going off and fighting more faded gods and godess and other faded beings. Some gave me their blessings and I got better at fighting though I had no idea what teh blessings did, I couldn't even use them in the void. Finally I had defeated teh last person in teh void who I don't know what their name was and they had forgotten. He blessed me and said "you will now speak to the fates about your fate." Then I was standing in frount of the fates. "Two items the gods offered you Imortality and you refused wanting to stay with Annbeth your soul mate. You have been blessed by gods that are faded and have survived the ancient  posion, the last bit of it I fact. You are as strong as a primordial god now but are still a demigod so Zuse would try to kill you. There for we make you imortal along with Annbeth so you can spend eternity together. Fare well Perseus Jackson, newest olympian God. And your soul mate Annbeth Chase, second newest Olympian God." The fates said then blasted me with three beacons of light. 

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