Rebecca's bestie

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Frank: we went threw the security camera data to see what had happened to her and around five o'clock the footage in the engin room shut off, about fifteen minutes later Calypso walked down the hall and into the room never coming back out. We all went to the engin room to check what had happened and there was nothing there expect for a busted security camera and one drop of blood on the floor. Nico said "Don't worry she isn't dead yet. I would have felt it." This didn't help Leo's condition at all and then little Rebecca strolled into the room yawning. "What happened?" She asked not knowing anything. "Calypso got kidnaped." Annbeth said placing a hand on Rebecca's shoulder as she freaked out then she caught on fire and Annbeth smartly pulled her hand away. "The nice lady who's Leo's girlfriend?? Who took her!" Rebecca asked just as a scream, Percy's scream came through the ship, we all sprinted to check and saw he was asleep and having a nightmare and getting cuts on him again. Annbeth placed her hand on his and whispered things to him and he woke up groaning. "Wait! In my dream Calypso just got kidnaped!! And she was tied up unconscious in the same room as Bruse who was trying to break out with his hulk streanth but it wasn't working." Percy said sitting up quickly then cursing in Greek as his wound opened up again  and Annbeth tossed another glass of water on him. "Yes, we just looked through the security cameras and saw her disappere into the engin room never coming back out." I said sadly as Hazel placed her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "So they have the Dance, now they just need the Dove. Where's Piper?" Jason said Paincking as Pipe flagged and said "I'm right here!" And kissed him on the check. Rebecca then said suddenly "Did anyone hear that?" We all looked at her. "The voice in my head it sounded just like my best friend form school!" She continued. Percy and Grover shared a look and Grover asked "did your bestie limp?" She nodded though I have no clue why. "Tell her your with a saytar named Grover and he's protecting you along with the seven and the rest of the group." Percy said smiling for some reason. How would she Be able to do that? She closed her eyes and then she popped them open "she asked me if I knew about the Demi God thing and I said yes, she said she was also a saytar like you Grover and that you would protect me. How does she talk to me threw my head?" Rebecca asked questingly. And I relized and replied "You have a Empaty link with her, she can talk to you and sense strong emotions from you. Grover and Percy have one also." She giggled excitedly and Percy who's cuts were now gone picked her up and started to tell her a story but telling us with his eyes he would distract her while we figured out a plan, that way he could rest. Smart!

Steve aka Captain America: To say Fury was mad was an understatement. He was, well, furious I guess and he demanded that we keep looking for Bruse and also keep me updated on Tony. He would also be serching for Bruse. Now we as in the demigods and the rest of the team minis Percy, Tony and a little girl we picked up along the way we're discussing in were they could be held.  When suddenly Natasha placed her hand to her ear and said "My tracking devise I put on Calypso seams to now be working." Everyone turned to her and I mentally laughed, I knew she would do somthing like that. "Leo, pass me the I pad." She ordered and Leo did so wordlessly. She imputed somthing and then entered it and handed the I pad back to Leo and the Argo 2 started to move over the land away from the lake. Towrds the heart of Canada.

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