Chapter 2

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"What's with him?" I ask pointing at Chopper and Zoro walks over towards me. He looks over the edge and spots Chopper almost instantly. He shrugs before sitting back down where he was and I notice he doesn't seem so on edge anymore.

"He probably noticed that you're gone even though he figured you would be out for at least four more days and wouldn't be able to move for at least three days after that without reopening your wound." Zoro says shrugging and I raise an eyebrow.

"I feel like I've been under estimated." I say slightly pouting before looking back at the group. "I spot an idiot." I say when my eyes land on a boy wearing a white Galley-La Co. shirt and a pair of blue shorts while a straw hat was sitting on his back.

"What one are you talking about? We've got more than one idiot." Zoro says.

"I mean Luffy;" I say pointing at the idiotic rubber man.

"You know Luffy?" Zoro asks with an eyebrow raised and I nod.

"He's my idiotic little brother." I say and Zoro blinks at me in surprise for a second.

"So there's another brother? Are you older than Ace then?" Zoro asks and I shake my head.

"I'm younger than Ace by two years but I can still kick that guy's ass." I say.

"KAEDE WHERE ARE YOU?" Luffy hollers and I roll my eyes.

"We should probably head back to the main deck before he does something stupid." Zoro says standing up and walking over to where I had climbed up earlier. He starts climbing down and he stops halfway when he doesn't see me following him. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah I'll meet you down there." I say as I finally stand up and I walk over to the edge of the crow's nest. Zoro's eyes watch me as I stop right at the edge and my toes were hanging off. I jump over the edge and plummet towards the deck below.

"KAEDE;" I hear Zoro yell but I ignore him. My feet land on the deck and I bend my knees to lessen the impact so I don't break anything. A cloud of dust surrounds me from the impact and I straighten up. I hear footsteps rush over towards me and they stop at the edge of the dust cloud. I duck as I sense another figure go whizzing past where my chest was just at and an ow sound as the figure smacks into the mast behind me. I look over my shoulder to see that it was Luffy, of course and I roll my eyes at him.

"Hey Kaede; you okay?" Zoro asks and I step out of the dust cloud beside where he was.

"You think that little fall would've hurt me? I feel offended;" I say holding my hand over my heart and an expression of mock hurt on my face.

"I was taking into account that you're injured and I wouldn't be surprised if it reopened thanks to the stunt you just pulled." Zoro says and Chopper rushes over to me when Zoro says that.

"I need to look at your wound." Chopper says and I set my hand on his hat. Images rush through my mind again and I wait 'til it's done before I crouch down to the same height as Chopper.

"It's fine; you don't need to worry about that." I say and Chopper just gives me a look that's secretly telling me he doesn't buy it. I let out a sigh before standing up and pulling up my shirt. I un-wrap the bandages and everyone stares at where my wound was in surprise. Chopper blinks in surprise before poking around the now clear skin that has no appearance of being injured before.

"It's completely healed." Chopper says in awe.

"I told you it was fine." I say and Luffy bundles over to me.

"Kaede, can I get my hug now?" Luffy asks and I let out a sigh before turning towards him. I open my arms and Luffy jumps into them. He wraps his arms around me as well as his legs. I close my arms around him and hug back.

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