Chapter 29

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"I knew as soon as he set foot in Impel Down or rather you set foot in Impel Down but I cannot give him any help with saving myself. If he saves me then he saves me but I will not give him any help with that." I say crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back against the bars of the cell.

"Luffy is risking his life to save you and you will not assist him with that?" Hancock asks sounding angry and I turn to look at her with hardened eyes.

"There is a reason I'm here just like there is a reason you're a Shichibukai and that your back is always covered." I say and Hancock freezes in shock at my words just as Magellan finishes dealing with the loud inmates.

"Now lady Hancock you can have your conversation in peace." Magellan says walking back over to the cage.

"No need Magellan we're done here." I say opening the door to the cell and walking out.

"Where do you think you're going Tempest?" Magellan asks looking at my back as I walk away.

"I'm going for a walk." I say and Magellan clicks his tongue in annoyance before heading back towards the elevator.

"Remember to be back in your cage by tomorrow morning so we can get you to transport you to Navy HQ." Magellan says and I wave over my shoulder.

"Yeah I know; I'll see you tomorrow." I say.

"She's allowed to just wander around the prison without any restraints or a patrol?" Hancock says with shock lacing her voice.

"If she wanted to she could have already been out of this place with no problems or restrictions. There is no way for us to restrain her that she can't break out of so she is allowed to just wander when she wants to." Magellan's voice echoes through the air as I walk around a corner that cuts me off from their sight. I continue to walk through Level Six thinking things over for a couple of hours before heading up to Level 5.5 to get some alcohol before my execution. I steal one of their unopened bottles of vodka before heading back to Level Six. I leave the cell door open before sitting down and I start sipping from the bottle planning on it lasting me 'til tomorrow.

-The Next Day-

I sit cross legged on the deck of a marine ship with my hands cuffed behind my back and I can't help but start singing Highway to Hell since I'm so bored. No one will talk to me, I've tried so hard but they just ignore me. I watch the water go past calmly and the many fish swim past continuing on their path. A smile graces my lip as a huge group of fish swim along beside the ship as if to wish me goodbye. I hear squawking from above and I look up to see a huge swarm of every type of bird flying with the ship as well. A couple sea kings pop up within the group of fish and swims with us for a bit as well. Without even looking underneath the water I can tell that it's probably full with sea kings, fishes, and any other marine animal that lived besides Fishman. It's the same with the sky and any animal that can fly. This is the way that the world is saying goodbye for now and I'll admit that I couldn't be happier at the moment.


"Um Sengoku what exactly is going on?" I ask looking at the huge assembly of pirates in front of me.

"They've come to take you back." Sengoku says and I blink in surprise.

"Why the hell would they be here to take me back?" I ask.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask them?" Sengoku says gesturing to the group.

"HEY GUYS." I start and the pirates focus their attention to me.

"YEAH?" A random pirate shouts back.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE?" I shout back and everything falls silent.

The Curse of the Fruits (A One Piece Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang