Chapter 7

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"Thank you Kaede." Jiro says still hugging me and I return the hug.

"No problem Jiro. Anyway I should get our flag back to the ship and we need to get out of here as soon as possible." I say as I make my way over towards the closet window and pry it open. "See you guys later and Chopper don't tell Luffy that the flag got stolen, okay?" I ask Chopper and after I get a conformation nod I jump out the window. Halfway down I teleport myself back to the ship and I blink in surprise to find Franky standing in front of me who was blinking in surprise as well.

"Hey;" I say being the first one to break the silence.

"Hey," Franky slowly replies back. "You're a devil fruit user?" Franky asks.

"You tell anyone and you're a dead man walking." I say glaring at him with a deadly aura.

"I won't tell I swear." Franky says slightly shaking and I nod.

"Okay I'm going to put the flag back then I'm going to take a nap in my room. If you need me for anything just come get me." I say before quickly climbing to the top of the crow's nest and retying the flag back up. I softly land on the deck after jumping from the crow's nest, with no dust cloud this time, before walking below deck and into my room. I grab my blankets from on top of the bed as well as a pillow and throw them underneath the bed before I follow. I make myself comfortable and wrap myself tightly in the blankets before drifting off again.



I turn the corner and spot the door to the flag room with Chopper, Jiro, and Puzzle standing there in front of it looking dazed. They were staring at a window that was open and I walk up to them.

"Where's the flag?" I ask Chopper but he just keeps staring at the window.

"Your friend took it and said something about putting it back on the ship." Jiro said and Chopper suddenly snaps out of his daze.

"THAT IDIOT; THIS IS THE FIFTH FLOOR." Chopper screams before turning around and sprinting down the corridor. I stare at him before running after him along with Jiro and Puzzle. We enter a staircase to find the others are running up the stairs and they stop when they spot us running down them.

"Where's the flag?" Usopp asks as they turn around and race down the stairs with us.

"On the way to the ship hopefully;" Chopper says before picking up his pace.

"What do you mean hopefully?" Sanji asks.

"The idiot decided to go out the window to reach the ship so if he didn't break his legs then he should be on the way to the ship." Chopper says and I start thinking. Let's see we have Chopper, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, and I right here. Nami and Luffy are outside while I have no clue where Franky or Kaede was. Who got the flag back then?

"Well lets head back to the ship then to see if the flag's back." Robin says and we run out of the building to find a huge crater. What the hell happened here? Nami starts running towards us and she's screaming about something bad that's about to happen. We pick up our pace and rush towards the Sunny. I spot the Sunny come into view and I let out a relived sigh when I spot the flag back where it belongs. We skid to a stop at the edge of the ice and Luffy slides to a stop behind us.

"How could you guys let our flag get stolen?" he asks us.

"What do you mean? It's right there." Robin says pointing towards the flag that was blowing in the wind.

"That stupid clone guy tricked me. Sorry for doubting you guys. Let's go." We board the Sunny and all of a sudden Nami starts to freak out.

"Where's Kaede? The volcano's about to explode to; what are we gonna do?" Nami yells.

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