Chapter 11

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"Hold on then, I'll get you to him in no time flat then." I say before closing my eyes and transporting Wado to the kitchen were I also sense Luffy and Sanji as well. When I open my eyes Wado's gone and I let out a sigh. I hope what that girl said isn't true. I stand up and continue following the hallway which led to a huge room that appeared to be a living room of some sorts. I walked farther into the room observing everything and when my foot stepped into something wet I bent down to inspect it. I dipped m finger in the puddle and easily determined that it was blood. I take a closer look at the floor around me and noticed that wasn't the only blood puddle in the room. Some appeared newer than others due to the crusting of some puddles.

"Why hello there." A feminine voice says and I look up to see something descending from the rafters above. A young teen lands on the ground a couple feet ahead of me and I blink in surprise. I wasn't surprised by them appearing out of nowhere since I sensed them earlier, no I was surprised by their appearance. The young female in front of me was dressed in black from head to toe. She wore black closed toed wedges, black tights, a black halter top covered by a small black jacket and the black didn't stop there. Her hair and makeup was black as well, she perfectly fit into the image of a full blown goth.

"Hello," I say back as I stand up. I eye the girl up and down already using the curse to determine anything I can about her. It turns out her name is Emilia and she has a Devil Fruit that will prove to be troublesome to deal with.

"I was wondering if someone would wonder into my room. I was so looking forward to it. I have so many ways I could immobilize you. What way would you like me to kill you with?" Emilia asks with her head tilted sideways slightly and an insane smile on her face. I quickly pull out my bo staff and charge at her. I need to end this quick before she uses her fruit. I manage to close in on her and I go to slam the end of my staff into her side but she jumps out of the way.

"Doesn't Moria want us alive so he can steal our shadows? If so how are you going to explain killing me to him?" I ask and Emilia stops to think about it. I take this opportunity and slam my staff into her back but I get pushed back instead.

"I'll just tell him that there was no way to immobilize you without killing you." Emilia says with another insane psychopathic smile on her face and I feel the air start vibrating. I strap my bo staff onto my back and pull the swords from it. I charge again and swing my right blade towards her stomach. Emilia ducks under it and I whip my left sword forward managing to cut her check before jumping back to avoid any counterattack she may have prepared. Emilia touches her cheek with shaking fingers and when she pulls them away she just stares at the red covering her finger tips.

"Um are you okay?" I ask after what felt like a couple of minutes just standing there with Emilia staring at the blood. A chuckle escapes Emilia's lips before she burst into full blown laughter.

"You cut me, you managed to cut me. You're the first person ever to manage to cut me." Emilia says looking at me with even more of an insane look on her face. The bloodlust leaking from her could easily be felt and she charges at me while pulling a sword from behind her back. I go to block her blade but at the last second I change to parrying it when I see it slightly vibrating and I slam my fist into her stomach sending her to fly backwards but not very far. I look at my sword that I had parried with and notice that the blade's chipped.

"Smart choice not blocking it. If you did it would've just cut through your blade and you." Emilia says before she crouches down slightly and disappears from sight. I roll to the left and swing my right sword towards where she should be only to have the sound of metal hit metal fill the area. I curse and try to get my blade away from hers but it's too late. The resistance disappears against my swords as her sword cuts clean through mine and I leap back to get some distance.

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