Chapter 17

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"Hurry up and take us to Luffy and the other." Nami says and I ignore the creepily in sync boys as they start leading us towards the town. I spot a light down one of the side tunnels and I can't help but investigate. It turns out it's an exit and I step out to find myself on a ledge looking over the village that the others must be at. I easily spot multiple buildings that look similar to ones located in the East Blue. So that's why Luffy wanted me to come I think smiling before jumping down and wandering through the village. I end up at a dojo first and when I walk in I stop in surprise before letting out a laugh. Zoro looks over at me from where he's being surrounded by kids and the sensei who was looking for an autograph.

"Shut up Kaede." Zoro says looking at me. "How'd you get here so quickly?" Zoro asks.

"Well Nami got us here a couple minutes after Usopp called and then I slip off from them in the caves. Guess I got here before them." I say shrugging.

"Who are you? I don't remember seeing a poster for you within the Strawhats." Some guy says.

"Oh that's because I'm not a Strawhat." I say and everyone tilts their head confused.

"What?" Another guy asks. "Are you an ally then?"

"No, Kaede's one of Luffy's siblings." Zoro says.

"I'm just travelling with them to Shanbondy." I say and Zoro looks at me a bit sad. "I might stay longer but I don't know at the moment." I say and Zoro perks up at that.

"We should be getting back to the crew now so if you'll excuse me." Zoro says trying to get out from all the kids.

"Come on Zoro we got some time." I say before crouching down near the kids. "So you guys are all up and inspiring swordsman?" I ask and the kids turn to look at me.

"Yup." One says and the rest nod.

"How 'bout a little spar then?" I ask and they look at me in surprise. Actually, everyone was looking at me in surprise.

"I'm in." One kid says and I smile before picking up one of their bamboo swords.

"Let's do this then." I say getting into an attack ready stance and the kid does the same. The kid charges at me first and I parry the attack. I swing the sword towards his stomach with barely any strength and a slow speed so the kid can block it. I keep going that way sending him light swings and stuff as I slowly increased it by tiny amounts. The kid does good getting used to it as I continue to give him a training spar. Soon enough the kid's on the ground panting and I smile at him.

"Good job kid. You lasted a lot longer than I thought you would." I say helping the poor kid up.

"Thanks mister." The kid says and I pat the kid on the head.

"No problem. If you keep working hard then I can just tell one day, you'll be as good as Zoro is." I say and the kid perks up at that.

"Let's get back to lessons Sensei." The kid says rushing over to their sensei tugging on the poor guy's sleeve. Soon enough the class has started and a smile covers my face as I watch the kids.

"Come on Zoro let's get back to the others." I say turning to look at Zoro who was staring at me.

"Yeah let's go." Zoro says turning around and we leave the dojo.

"Do you need us to take you back?" One of the other guys there asks me.

"No that's okay I got it." I say turning partially to look at the guy and I wave.

"Okay see you later." The guy waves back and I turn around. Zoro holds out his hand and I grab it as we walk towards the center of town.

"So when are we going to tell the others?" Zoro asks and I place a kiss on his cheek.

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