Chapter 4

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"Kaede what are you doing here? Everyone thought you went back to sleep on top of the crow's nest." Luffy says as he sits down on a nearby crate and I let out a depressed sigh.

"Is that all they think of me? That I'm just a heartless, emotionless, and lazy person who just sleeps all the time." I say.

"All you do is sleep on the ship and I don't think you've ever really shown emotion since we first met." Chopper says.

"I get bored on the ship and I just don't like showing emotion." I say looking down at my knees.

"You could train or come play with me?" Luffy says.

"If I train the Sunny's gonna be destroyed and I don't feel like playing with you half the time." I say and Luffy pouts. I roll my eyes at him before closing them and drifting off into sleep.


I open my eyes slowly before quickly shutting them. I reopen them partially again and after my eyes adjust to the bright lights I fully open them. I scan the room around me to find white walls and a mirror on one wall. Some pieces of machinery littered the room and I notice some items attached to me. I go to remove one to determine what it is exactly but my arm gets caught on something. I follow my arm to spot a grey material holding it against the table. There was one on each wrist, across my midsection, my ankles, and just above my knees. I stare at them in shock trying to figure out why exactly I was tied to a bed but suddenly the previous events flash through my mind. That's right that group of men caught me before I could make my escape.

That means my worst nightmare just happened; my mom warned me about them. I think and a door located on the right side of the room opens inward. Where the fuck did that door come from? It surely wasn't there before or it just blended into the wall really good. Three men walk into the door and I can't help but glare at them. The first man to walk in was old and he was wearing a black suit with the world government symbol on his left breast. The second man wore a Navy uniform and I can sense he's eaten the Magma-Magma Fruit. The last man was wearing a lab coat along with a delighted expression that creeped me out and I can tell he's eaten the Gas-Gas Fruit. The last holder is dead so therefore the curse would awaken earlier than usual I think as I force the tears that threatened to show back. I was not gonna show weakness in front of these assholes.

"Ah it's wonderful to see you awake; child. I was hoping you could help us out a bit by just answering a couple of questions." The man in the suit says as he pulls a stool over towards the bed. "First off what's your name?" He asks but I just turn away and keep my mouth sealed. "Then how about giving me information about your family curse?" I still don't say anything hoping they'd give up and leave.

"Answer him brat." The Magma-Magma man raises his fist to hit me but black suit stops him.

"Akainu we have other ways of gathering the information even though it won't be pleasant for her." Suit says before turning to lab coat. "Caesar I give you permission for that." He says and Caesar gains an even bigger grin which was even creepier.

"Thank you sir I'll be sure to determine everything possible from her." Caesar sends a grin my way and I feel shivers run down my back. Caesar walks over to me after he picks up a needle from one of the carts in the room. "Sleep well my lovely experiment, sorry research project." Caesar whispers into my ear as he plunges the needle into my arm and pressing down on the plunger causing a blue substance to enter my veins. I can feel it rushing through my veins slowly numbing them before it goes to my brain and causes it to slowly knock me out.


I sit up straight lightly gasping and I feel a light layer of sweat coating my skin. I pull my newsboy hat off and run my hand through my hair. I let out a sigh before quickly spinning my hair up into a bun and putting my hat back on. I cross my legs and place my elbows on my knees before looking across the room to see Jiro staring at me with wide eyes. I stare at him blankly before raising a finger and giving him a shushing gesture.

The Curse of the Fruits (A One Piece Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu