Chapter 24

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"Yeah right don't lie to me. There's no way Hachi would lose to you." Camie says.

"Normally you would be right but this time we teamed up with the Flying Fish Riders and he didn't stand a chance." Macro says.

"The Flying Fish Riders, dammit." The star fish says and the snail changes faces.

"Camie you're all right, that's a relief." A different male voice says and I assume it's this Hachin.

"Hachin don't tell me they really beat you." Camie says.

"I let my guard down. Anyways, no matter what they tell you don't come to save me. I'll beat these guys somehow and get out on my own. I'll meet up with you later so don't worry." Hachin says and I take Robin's empty cup from her. I head to the kitchen and clean the cups before putting them away. When I come back out we're changing directions and I raise an eyebrow but I have a feeling we're heading to help out Hachin. Shrugging I sit against the railing before yawning.

"Wake me when we get there." I say before falling asleep.


"We're here Kaede." Luffy calls and I feel his fist connect with my cheek.

"Why the hell did you punch me?" I ask rubbing where he hit me and glaring at me.

"It was an accident." Luffy says and I shake my head.

"Sure, it was." I say rolling my eyes as we approach the Flying Fish Riders' Base. "I'm heading up to the top of the crow's nest to pick them off."

"Don't take them all out." Luffy says as I pull out my sniper rifle before climbing up to the top of the crow's nest.

"I won't. I'll make sure to leave you some." I yell back as I pull myself onto the roof and I start inspecting the base. Looks like everyone's laying in wait for an ambush I think as we approach a cage they have situated in the middle of the bay. I lay down on the crow's nest and set up my rifle's stand before looking through the scope. I ignore the conversation going on below me at the moment and after a couple of minutes of not doing anything I let out an annoyed growl.

"Are we saving this octopus guy now or no?" I yell looking over the side and spotting a captured Camie. "We saving Camie as well?"

"Yeah we're saving them both." Nami yells back as Luffy saves Camie.

"Let's get this show on the road then." I yell just as the Flying Fish Riders make their appearance. I pick off any of the Flying Fish raiders I can with my Brenodi Heavy Rifle and after a while I spot a pair of them with a net in between them.

"Say hello to a watery grave." Duval says as the net pair dive into the water with Sanji stuck in the net. I curse before throwing my gun back in storage as quickly as possible.

"Hang in there Sanji I'll save you." Luffy yells running towards the water as Zoro tries to hold him back while running beside him.

"We don't need both of you drowning let me handle this one." Zoro says as I jump off the roof of the crow's nest onto the yard before continuing to run along it towards the ocean.

"I'm on it. You humans are too slow underwater you'll never catch up in time." Hatchi says.

"You're right but you don't stand a chance against the speed of my men. Come on, even you should know that flying fish are the fastest creature in the sea and my men have oxygen tanks. So, they can take their sweet time making sure your friend's nice and dead before he comes up. See I thought of everything." Duval says.

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