Chapter 20

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"What?" I ask turning and glaring at Brook.

"May I see your panties?" Brook asks and I smile sweetly at him before raising a leg and kicking him into the pillar behind him.

"No." I say as Franky and Robin look at Brook before looking towards me. I spot Robin's eyes widen slightly when she sees me but she hides it quickly.

"Sorry about him." Robin says.

"That's okay. Just the next time he asks he might have another crack in his skull." I say starting to walk again but Robin speaks again.

"Quite a gathering here isn't it. There's some big bounties in this room but none as big as yours." Robin says and I have to hold back a snort.

"That's for sure. Every single pirate in here is a stupid dipshit for even agreeing with Shiki's plans." I say and I can sense the angry glares right away.

"Why are you here then if you aren't here to join up with Shiki?" Robin asks and I smile at her, a real one and not one of the fake ones I've been doing this whole time since switching into Death's Tempest's personality.

"I'm just here to get back what's mine. If I have to destroy every pirate in this building to do that then I will." I say before nodding my head at Robin. "Now if you'll excuse me I have something important to steal back."

"No go ahead but I just want to ask you of one thing before you go." Robin says and I raise a hand stopping her from saying what she wants since I already know.

"Don't worry. The Straw hats aren't on any of my kick their asses' lists." I say nodding my head again before continuing on my path and once I reach the door I use a devil fruit to pick the lock instantly before opening the door. I look back to see the three straw hats still watching me and I give them a small wave before closing the door and continuing along the hall towards Shiki's personal quarters. After a couple minutes, I find the room and not even bothering with the door I pull a Garp walking straight through the wall. I spot what I'm searching for almost instantly for it seems to shimmer in the dim light. I pick up the small necklace that contains a shard of a very rare stone called henki that was a dark vivid purple with a neon green colour mixed in.

I place the necklace back on my neck where it belongs as I remember the day of my fifth birthday when my mother gave it to me. I smile before walking back out through my person shaped hole and walking back towards the hall. I leave through the same door I entered to find almost everyone gone. Robin, Brook, Franky, and the staff are still left. The three straw hats are on they're way to leave as quick as possible and I jump over the third-floor railing. I land right between them and the door that leads to the exit with a small dust cloud around me.

"I thought we weren't on the kick their asses' lists?" Robin asks as her arms get in position to use her devil fruit.

"You aren't. Let's go we don't have a lot of time." I say walking out the door with them following behind me.

"Where are you leading us to?" Franky asks as we weave through hallways.

"Outside. You guys want to get to the village as quickly as possible right?" I ask and Robin nods.

"Yes, if possible we wish to stop the attack on the village." Robin says and I nod.

"Then follow me it'll be the quickest way." I say punching a hole into the wall ahead to show us right beside the Daft Trees. "Let's go quickly."

"Franky we'll need a quick way to get there." Robin says and I bring two fingers to my mouth before whistling loudly.

"What are you doing? That'll bring the animals right towards us. We don't have the time to fight them off." Brook yells as we run through the snow with me leading the way.

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