Chapter 16

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"I shall listen carefully, thank you." Brook says.

"You must never ever let your guard down during a meal. Not even for a second." Nami says.

"I understand, I will be ever villigant. When an enemy attacks Quick Draw Brook will be ready to save the day." Brook says posing.

"Looks like you're a little to late to save this one." Robin says leaving Brook confused.

"Come here food." Luffy says stretching his arms out to steal Brook's food.

"Hey hold on a minute. Luffy stop." Brook says chasing his noodles down only to fail in getting them back. "I was ever villigant as I said I'd be. No, the less I'll do whatever it takes to proof my worth as your new comrade and crewmate. I shall work myself to the bone although I'm nothing but bones." Brook says.

"So, what are you planning on doing?" Zoro asks and I shrug as we exit the kitchen.

"I was planning on heading to the library for now and grabbing something to read." I say. "Have fun with you're training. I'll come visit later."

"See ya later then." Zoro says and we go our separate ways. When I enter the library Nami's already in there working on her map.

"Oh, hey Kaede." Nami says looking up when I shut the door behind me.

"Hey Nami." I say walking over and spotting a book sitting on the edge of the desk. "Is this the voyage log?"

"Yeah, everything we've been through since Luffy beat up Arlong's in there." Nami says and I sit down to start reading it. I get almost completely through it when a knock sounds on the door.

"Oh, Nami I've brought you your tea." Brook says and I go back to reading.

"Come in." Nami says and the door opens.

"While I'm here would you be so kind to show me your panties?" Brook asks only to get a book to the head from the navigator.

"No stop asking me." Nami yells and I close the voyage log since I just finished it. I rub my head in annoyance at everything that Luffy's done since he kicked Arlong's ass.

"Oh, your map. Updating are we?" Brook asks.

"Yeah, we've been pretty busy lately and since the ship isn't moving it's a great chance to catch up." Nami says taking the tea cup Brook offered her.

"If I remember correctly it's your dream to draw a map of the world." Brook says.

"Yup, I'm going to travel across every ocean of the world and draw this map from what I see first hand with my own two eyes." Nami says.

"What a superb dream. If there's anything at all that I can do to help fulfill your goal, please do not hesitate to ask me but in the meantime, would you care for more tea?" Brook asks.

"Yes, thank you. For now, the thought is more than enough really." Nami says and I walk over towards them to put the log back where it was.

"You are such an amazing an deeply considerable person Nami. Nothing short of an angel." Brook says.

"Oh stop, you're embarrassing me." Nami says and I push the teapot up so it isn't pouring anymore. Both of them look at me confused.

"You were about to overfill the cup Brook." I say and Brook looks down to see I was indeed correct.

"Ah thank you Kaede. If you hadn't stopped me who knows what would've happened." Brook says.

"It's no problem Brook." I say before turning back to the desk and placing the log back.

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