Chapter 9

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"Speaking of quality I can't wait to try out your cooking. Since I was stuck on that dreary ghost ship it's been decades since I've eaten a proper meal. I felt my stomach shrink and shrink until I couldn't even tell the back of my belly from the front of my back anymore. That was the sort of miserable life I lived. Let me tell you that is saying a lot since skeletons don't even have a proper back or stomach." Brook says laughing and Luffy joined in. "It's a skull joke."

"It's a skull joke, I get it." Luffy says clapping.

"I think those years he spent all alone broke him." I mutter to myself taking another drink from my tea and I start coughing when Brook and Luffy start chanting for food like five year olds.

"My dear boy can I have a glass of milk? It's good for the bones they say." Brook says looking at Sanji.

"Shut up or I'm going to smash your skull." Sanji yells and I slam my head against the counter while letting out an annoyed while partially angry sigh.

"Oh by the way skeleton," Luffy says.

"Sorry but my name is Brook. Ah but that reminds me I know this is rude but I don't believe I ever caught your name." Brook says looking at Luffy.

"Oh me? My name is Luffy, so anyway what are you?" Luffy asks.

"You invited him to join the crew when you just now ask him that." Zoro yells at Luffy.

"Okay food's ready. We can finish integrating the skeleton later. For now let's put all those octopuses you caught to good use." Sanji says setting the table and he offers me a plate but I shake my head even though it's still on the counter.

"I'm good." I say but Sanji sets the plate down near my head with silverware.

"Eat since I know you haven't eaten in a few days." Sanji says and I look up at him. I actually last ate this morning.

"Fine," I say with a grumble before slowly eating the food as Luffy and Brook talk while they eat. I ignore the two idiots and I eat half the plate before giving the rest to Luffy when nobody's looking. Luffy gratefully accepts it without a complaint and I hand my plate to Sanji before walking out of the room leaving them to integrate Brook about everything I already know thanks to being cursed. I let out a sigh leaning against the railing and taking in a deep breath of fresh air before the idiots in the kitchen start screaming again.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP HE GOT HIS SHADOW STOLEN, THAT'S ALL IDIOTS." I yell and I hear them quiet down.

"Is he like physic or something because he knows a lot of things that nobody ever really found out about or know?" I hear Brook ask.

"No that's just Kaede." Luffy says and I hear him laugh which causes me to roll my eyes.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." I mutter as I walk below deck towards my room and I continue to mutter profanities on the way. When I get to my room I summon the journal and slide back under the bed into my nest of blankets. I flip the journal open to a marked page and start reading through all of the discoveries that my ancestors have figure out about the curse as well as the devil fruits that circulate the world. Screaming fills the air a couple seconds later and I start cursing at those idiots. Marking my page I send the journal back into storage before climbing out from under the bed and storming towards the kitchen. The ship starts jostling as soon as I get on deck and I spot a gate which has the appearance of a giant mouth.

"What the hell is that?" I ask just as Brook rushes out the kitchen door.

"What terrible fortune; they must've been watching them. That's the only thing that makes sense. Everyone look to the front; that noise we heard was that gate slamming shut. Our passage has already been blocked off." Brook says and I scan the area around us. Brook takes off towards the back of the ship and I walk over to the railing to see what's going on. I lean over the railing and see what appears to be an island that appears very dilapidated but I can tell there are people located on the island. I walk up the stairs and join the group at the back of the ship.

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