Chapter 19

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"What are you talking about Nami? We're not through yet." Luffy says.

"It seems like it only takes a half day to record the magnetic wave of this island. So we better go now before it resets." Nami says and we all head back onto the Sunny. I head down to the guest room before crawling into bed for a nice long nap and before I can drift off I hear the sounds of footsteps walking towards the door. I open my eyes and sit up to look at the door as the door handle starts moving. I watch as the door opens to reveal Zoro.

"What're you doing here?" I ask as Zoro shuts the door behind him before moving towards the empty side of the bed.

"To take a nap." Zoro responds before taking off his boots and swords. The swords he leans against the wall before climbing under the covers beside me. I stare at him until he puts his hand on my forehead, pushes me down onto the bed and pulls me against his chest.

"So I guess we're napping here together?" I ask and Zoro nods.

"Yeah," Zoro says and we fall silence before drifting off.


"Soooo," I draw out looking at the blonde who I already recognize but don't want to deal with at the moment. "Who's the wheel head?" I ask from where I was standing beside the kitchen on the path that leads to the bathroom.

"This is Shiki; he's cool. He can make things float and has swords as legs." Luffy says and I shake my head at him.

"Okay but you do know he's taking us in the wrong direction?" I say still standing in the shadows by the wall.

"Hmm, we're going to the East Blue aren't we?" Luffy asks looking between me and Shiki.

"Yes, we are. You must be mixed up since direction can't be easily determined in the Grand Line." Shiki says and I let out a sigh before turning to face him despite still being in the shadows.

"That excuse works on anyone except me Shiki the Golden Lion." I say crossing my arms.

"So you know who I am?" Shiki asks walking towards Nami and I narrow my eyes at him as I slip one of my throwing knifes out of my wrist holster.

"Try it and this knife's going to be drawing blood." I say moving the knife slightly so it reflects the light.

"You know who I am and think that little knife can stop me?" Shiki asks moving his arm out to grab Nami but the knife I was just holding makes its way towards his arm. Shiki uses his sword leg to deflect it and we glare at each other. I push off the deck and leap over the railing rushing towards where Shiki is while drawing one of my other throwing knives. I aim to slice his neck but Shiki deflects it with his sword foot before aiming for my side and I block it.

"Should we just leave them be?" Sanji asks as they all gather in a group except Zoro who's training but I do see him glance over every now and then.

"Kaede should be fine." Luffy says watching my fight from the railing and I slam a fist into Shiki as he blocks one of my throwing knife. Shiki goes flying back but he catches himself with his Devil Fruit.

"You're an interesting one as well. To be able to land a hit on me and send my flying." Shiki says before rushing towards Nami once again and I dive forward to intercept him only to get Shiki's fist to the side of my head causing black to cloud my vision.



I watched as Kaede was fighting with Shiki as I continued to work out. Things seemed to be going well until Shiki aimed for Nami again and Kaede went to intercept him only to get his fist to the side of her head.

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