Chapter 30

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"Teach." Whitebeard says with narrowed eyes before he prepares to attack. "Teach." Whitebeard screams in anger as he attacks and ends up destroying almost the rest of Marine Headquarters.

"You're not holding back. I guess not." Teach says coming down to ground level.

"I won't call you my son anymore Teach. You attacked one of your comrades, breaking the only ironclad rule on my ship. Don't interfere, Marco." Whitebeard says when he senses Marco go to make a move and he holds one hand out to tell me to leave it to him when he senses me also getting ready to make a move.

"Black Hole; Thatch is dead and so is Ace, Old man. I truly respected you, admired you but you grew old. So, old that you couldn't save one of your men, even though I let him live at Banaro Island." What the hell has Teach been paying attention to? Ace is alive and well, same with Thatch even though he's probably grumbling somewhere tied to a bed since they wouldn't let him participate in this fight since he's still heavily wounded. He should really thank me for popping up that night and healing his wound.

"That bastard," Vista says and I sense someone holding him back as Whitebeard gets ready for another attack.

"Ohoho there's no use. All powers are useless against me." Blackbeard says with blackness surrounding him.

"Hey Marco," I say and the blonde looks over at me. When he was rushing forward to help Whitebeard with Teach he had stopped beside me when Whitebeard he told him not to assist.

"Who exactly are you?" Marco asks before turning back to watch Whitebeard and Teach fight.

"Death's Tempest and I'm unfortunately giving you the burden." I say not looking away from the fight.

"Burden?" Marco asks and I nod.

"If I don't show up within a day I'm gone then so I want you to be the one to tell Ace and Luffy that. I know it won't be fun and they probably won't believe you but this should help with it." I say holding out two tone dials out to him and he carefully takes them before putting them in his pocket.

"You left messages on them for the two boys?" Marco asks and I shake my head.

"The yellow one has what Ace said when he thought he was dying so you should get the whole crew to listen to that, without Ace there 'cause he might try to destroy it, while the blue one has my message to Luffy and Ace. Get them to play it when all of the commanders are listening because there are a couple things on there that you should hear as well." I say and the level six inmates converge on Whitebeard. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turns to look at me. I shake my head and gesture to where the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates were standing. "It's your responsibility now to get as many as you can out of here safety." Marco gives me a small nod and I take my hand off his shoulder as he rushes back to the ships to get everyone out safety.

"It's not you." Whitebeard says staring down at Teach.

"You're still alive?" Teach shouts in surprise.

"The man Roger is waiting for is definitely not you Teach. There are those who inherited Roger's will and as long as that bloodline survives, their flames will never die. That will has been passed down from long ago and in the future, someday a man will appear bearing the weight of centuries of history on his shoulders to challenge the world. Sengoku your world government is afraid, afraid of the coming war that will engulf the world. I wasn't interested but when someone finds that treasure the world will be shaken to its core. Somebody will find it, that day will certainly come. One Piece is real." Whitebeard says and it echoes throughout the world since one transponder snail was still operating. Tears stream down every pirate's eye that was present as Whitebeard takes his last breath and stays standing tall and proud with no coward's injuries on his back. Teach throws a black tarp over Whitebeard as his crew guards him.

"Marco, get everyone to the ships and get the hell out of here the fastest you can." I scream as I whip around eyes instantly finding Marco who doesn't object.

"Damn he froze the sea." I hear someone yell and I look over to the bay to see Aokiji has frozen the sea. I rush forward and when I get close to the bay an explosion sounds. I look over to see Akainu confronting Jimbei who was still carrying the two boys. The Whitebeard Pirates and their allies are all there with the sense of protecting the two boys so I decide to trust them with that task. I quickly melt all of the ice and put a limit on all of the Admiral's powers.

"Blackbeard's come out." A marine yells and I whip around to see Teach has indeed come out. A growl ripples out of my throat when I sense it and I start running forward. Teach creates a black hole sucking up some of the marines before getting into Whitebeard's stance to use the Gura-Gura Fruit. Teach destroys the rest of Marine ford and everyone stares in shock at Teach except for me as I continue to run through the crowd towards the gap.

"The power to return everything to nothing, the gravity of darkness and the power to destroy everything, the power of earthquakes; I've got it all. Nobody can stand against me anymore. I am the strongest man in the world. This is my age." Teach yells and I jump across the gap that Whitebeard had made earlier with ease. I keep flying through the air until right before I reach Teach and my feet touch the ground only for me to use my forward momentum to slam my right fist into Teach's stomach.

"You may be the strongest man in the world at the moment but you will never be the strongest in the world." I say and I glare over my shoulder at the pirates. "Hurry up and get the fuck out of here before even more shit hits the fan." I scream at them and they instantly get back in motion as I turn back to Teach.

"You think you can beat me? Ha I am the strongest in the world not you, you pitiful woman." Teach says standing up and slamming his fist into my side adding power to it to cause more damage. I can tell that Teach is expecting me to go flying away but I only slide along the ground a couple of feet even as the ground behind me splits apart. Teach then uses his black hole move but I was expecting this so I jumped into the air using the power of the Kaze-Kaze Fruit for assistance so I can stay above the black hole. I move forward through the air not touching the ground before slamming another fist into his stomach and a ball of pressurized air slams into Teach's stomach causing him to go flying back.

"Black Whirlpool," Teach says as he goes to grab my arm but I slam a kick into his side sending him flying again. Teach comes back at me and I go to kick him again but Teach grabs my leg.

"Ha now you can't use your powers." Teach says punching me in the chin but still holding onto my leg so I can't use my power. Unfortunately for him that doesn't work on me because of who I am, what I am; a cursed child who can control these fruits. I close one of my hands into a fist and create a small ball of wind in my fist but it's packed tightly so it'll give a huge impact. (Another thumbs up to who get this reference that even I didn't notice until five seconds ago). I feel a tingle in my chest but I ignore it as I focus on my hand all attention on it.

I open my palm and slam it into Teach's stomach causing him to once again go flying back. Luckily, he had let go of my leg in surprise so I wasn't stuck following him. I blink in surprise when I finally register what that tingle in my chest was and I yank the sword that protruded from chest out throwing it on the ground beside me. Blood freely flows from my wound but I don't pay any heed to it as I focus on Teach even though the sword had managed to stab me through the heart. I rush at Teach again but I'm forced to stop as I defend the attack that came from Burgess.

"Get the hell out of my way." I growl out as we have a hold of each other's fist and Shiryuu manages to rush in from the side slicing a deep cut through my stomach. Even more blood spills from that cut than the one that went through my heart and I swear you could see some of my organs through the cut since it was deep and wide. I slam a kick into Burgess's stomach kicking him into one of the Marine Headquarters few remaining walls. I go to slam a kick into the side of Shiryuu's head but he stops it with his sword and we glare at each other. I slam my elbow back to my right and it slams into Burgess's stomach.

Something goes through my chest and I blink before looking down to find a hand that's surrounded by darkness protruding from my chest with what appears to be my heart in it. I let out a cough and blood rushes out of my mouth. Teach yanks his hand back with my heart still in his hand and a giant hole left in my chest. My legs shake as they try to support me and I feel myself losing consciousness. I gather the rest of my strength in my arm before whipping around and slamming one last punch into Teach's smirking face as he crushes my heart. Teach goes flying twice the distance then all the other times before and I feel it start to happen. I close my eyes and smile as my soul slowly dissolves into the surrounding area.

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