Chapter 21

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"Yeah, that's right." Luffy replies and Chopper moves over towards me.

"Can you give her this? I would but I'm not the best with needles." I say holding out the antidote for Daft in my hand.

"Sure," Chopper says instantly getting to work and I stand up looking at the two girls again.

"How could I have said all those awful things? She was there in the room and I was so careless to say that Shiki was the East Blue's problem now. I can't even imagine how much I hurt that poor girl." The woman says and the child starts wiping her eyes and I notice that she's holding a tone dial.

"I didn't even think about the people there." The little girl says and I crouch down in front of her.

"People will always place the ones they care for ahead of others. It's normal to only think about how happy it'll be with Shiki gone from this place. He's been terrorizing you for the longest time so it's natural for the reaction you had." I say patting her on the head. "May I see the shell you're holding onto?" I ask and she nods handing it over to me while trying to lessen her tears.

"Thanks." I say taking it and lightly tossing it to Luffy who catches it just as easily. "If you're still feeling bad about it then just remember that you are worrying about the people from the East Blue now. You have nothing left in your village and you'll have to start over again but you're worrying about the people living in the East Blue who are living peacefully at the moment. You're also worrying about Nami's feelings during a time like this so never forget that your good people."

"That's true. Shiki's the bad guy here and I'm going to make him pay for what he did. So, cheer up." Luffy says standing up with the crew right behind him.

"I'm going to help them back to the others and when I get back you better be ready to go." I say standing up.

"We'll be ready as soon as we listen to what's on here." Luffy says and I nod before picking up the elderly woman again and starting to lead the way back to the other villagers. Once I make sure the family makes it there safely I head back to where the Straw hat crew was and I see Luffy off to the side in anger. I sit down beside where Luffy was fuming and he instantly deflates.

"Why would she say something like that Tempest? Why would she just leave like that?" Luffy asks in an upset tone and I'm truthfully surprised he remembered to call me by my nickname.

"Luffy you know first hand that people lie to hide their emotions as well as to protect the ones they love. Nami's just doing the same thing and I know there must have been more to what she was saying then what you originally heard." I say.

"I know but I'm pretty sure there's nothing else to what she was saying." Luffy says and I shake my head.

"I argue against that. I don't know how it was before I joined up with you guys but I do know one thing about from the time I joined to the time right now. Your crew is together because of their trust in you as well as the fact that you guys are a family. There is pretty much nothing that could tear you guys apart forever. Listen to the message. I can promise on my life that there's more to it." I say helping Luffy up and we walk over towards the rest of the crew.

"Play it again." Luffy says and Usopp nods before pressing the button on the dial.

"Please forgive me for being unable to say farewell to you all directly. I've decided to join Shiki's crew as their navigator. Shiki is a legendary pirate whom Luffy and you guys can't oppose. You will only be wasting your life if you come after me. That's why I'll say this: Definitely... Come to save me." The dial finishes recording and Luffy has a smile on his face now.

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