Chapter 31

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I stare in shock as Teach pulls his hand back from Death's Tempest's chest with her heart in hand. I expect her to instantly die since she just lost her heart but she shocks everyone by whirling around and slamming a fist right into Teach's face which sends him twice the distance than any of her other punches. Death's Tempest closes her eyes with a smile on her face before she glows a soft golden glow and when the glow disappears she crumples to the ground dead. A marine starts screaming about throwing lives away since Akainu still does not plan on giving up his chase. Before Akainu can slam a magma fist into the boy Red Hair Shanks shows up stopping him.

"I came to end the war." Shanks says picking up the straw hat that Ace's brother was wearing. He tosses it to Buggy who gives it to Trafalgar Law who's helping Ace, his brother, and Jimbei escape as well as patching them up.

"Red hair," I say and Shanks looks over at me.

"Marco, quickly withdraw your men and don't retaliate." Shanks says and like he said earlier the war does end thanks to him.

"Everyone right now, help me save some face." Shanks says and I look to the ground as my tears slowly slide down my face. "Whitebeard, Death's tempest we'll take care of their burials. This battle was broadcasted to the entire world. I won't allow anyone to desecrate their memories."

"What? Taking their heads will show the marines' victory." A marine yells.

"No matter, since it's you red hair. I'll take responsibility for it." Sengoku says.

"Thanks." Shanks says.

"She will be back." Sengoku says crossing his arms and rubbing his forehead.

"If she didn't show up again I'd be scared." Shanks says with a small smile and I raise an eyebrow at him which he responds with a shake of the head.

"Quickly attend to the wounded. The war is over." Sengoku yells and the marines quickly get to work. We board our ships before heading out with the bodies of Pops and Death's Tempest aboard. We bury the two bodies beside each other on an island in the New World with the help of the Red Hair Pirates before we split from them collecting Thatch and following Ace's vivre card that leads us to an island in the calm belt. We stop a bit from the shore where a yellow submarine can be seen and I fly over. I land to find Trafalgar Law and his crew. Trafalgar was sitting there staring at the straw hat in his hand before looking over to where I had landed.

"If you're looking for Straw Hat and Fire Fist they're over there." He says pointing over to where the two brothers were sitting on a cliff staring out at the sea just gently hugging each other without exchanging words. I give Trafalgar a nod of thanks before walking over to the brothers. Ace looks up probably sensing me and he looks over his shoulder at me.

"Hey Marco," Ace says before turning to look out at the sea once more.

"I can't sense anything Ace. I have no pulling feeling; where is she?" Luffy says hugging Ace tighter.

"I don't either but I'm sure she's still out there, she's tough as hell." Ace says but I can sense some worry in his voice as well. I let out a sigh and sit down beside them but before I can speak Luffy looks at me.

"Do you have a pulling feeling?" He asks and I blink in confusion.

"Pulling feeling?" I ask and Ace nods.

"A feeling in your gut that feels like it's being tugged in a certain direction." Ace says and I blink in surprise.

"You guys have that feeling as well?" I ask and they nod.

"Yeah, up until we woke up after the battle. Do you have that feeling still Marco?" Ace asks and I hear hope in his voice.

"I have a small pulling feeling in my gut." I say speaking the truth since I do have a small tugging feeling in my gut. The brothers exchange small happy smiles before Ace turns to look at me.

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