BTS FIRE (Moment Ruined)

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Just a normal scene where my ovaries getting ripped out....(Thanks to Jimin's eyes and voice and actions and okay....THANKS TO HIM)

Then his squad sprouts out

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Then his squad sprouts out... (20% ruined, still focused on Jimin's lip bite)

 (20% ruined, still focused on Jimin's lip bite)

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Then I saw Namjoon's Sunglasses...which suppose to be Jimin's sunglasses at RUN

==========QUICK ! THEORY TIME==========

Namjoon has his eyes at Jimin's sunglasses

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Namjoon has his eyes at Jimin's sunglasses..but Jimin wouldn't let him. So the day he broke his sunglasses.. Guess what?

 Guess what?

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Boom. He has it like how he has Jimin's Jams.

NAMJOON looks like a funky sugardaddy.

*Lowkey shipping #JoonMin*


As I was saying..

"Then I saw Namjoon's Sunglasses...which suppose to be Jimin's sunglasses at RUN"

Then when I look back again... I saw this

  (80% ruined, at Kookie's unconventional derp face, didnt quite expect him making faces in this vid)

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  (80% ruined, at Kookie's unconventional derp face, didnt quite expect him making faces in this vid)

And then......

100% moment ruined

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100% moment ruined. 100% done. 100% turned on got turned off.. 

"Taehyung why"

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