The Begining

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Hey guys this is the first chapter of the story rewritten and I think it's a lot better so tell me if you like it and I'll see ya next time and now into the story

That morning the sun shone on my face I peek open one eye and grone wanting to just go to bed but then I realize it's Monday I roll over and out of bed I walk over to the bathroom and pee then go brush my teeth I look up at my reflection

I see me of course a 10 year old boy with a freckled face blue eyes and brown hair I then finish up brushing and go to my closet

I open the closet and pull out my clothes a tee-shirt red hoodie blue jeans and black green sneakers I go the bed and set them down

I then pull off my pajamas stripping to my undies I then put on the jeans and then the tee-shirt after that my hoodie then socks and my sneakers

I then go down stairs and meet my mom her blonde hair blue eyes and she always wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt

I go to Mom and she hands me my lunch "bye Jake see you later"

I walk out the door "bye mom" I then start on my way to school I walk down the road as the bright Georgia sun shines on my hair causing it to turn a blonde color

I round the corner and see them zach and Austin I turn on a dime back around the corner too late they come over and Austin grabs me

"Hey Jaky" I struggle against Austin but he's too big zach walks over why dose this happen they're 14

Zach punches me in the gut I feel the pain waves of pain through my body my vision goes black and back again

Just then I hear a scream and Austin drops me onto the sidewalk I turn blurry eyed and see red my vision focuses and it's a woman

I look lower and fall over a man he...he's eating her leg I almost barf but I get up and run home

I run through the door and to my very confused mom "" I start breathing hard she hugs me rubbing my back "Jake sweetie what's wrong?"

A minute or two later I take a deep breath as Mom let's me loose "now what's wrong why aren't you at school?" I take another deep breath

"I was on the way to school when all of a sudden I saw a guy eating a lady's leg" she looked at me like I don't believe you but then the news came on.....

-News Report-

"In later news a attack on a 30 year old woman happened today on the intersection of first and fifth"

"What your seeing is footage of the incident blurred for your protection you see the man chewing on the woman as several children run in fear one man steps up and detained the homeless man"

-end report-

Mom looks at the screen to my fading back in the background of the news footage after that we stayed home most days after a week the power went out no more news stories about riots and the dead walking

After the second week Mom had boarded up the whole house I sat playing with my toys while she ran herself nuts but then a grumble in my tummy gets me to my feet

I walk to the kitchen and see my mom she's stressed out and rubbing the sides of her head "Mom?" She turns and puts on a smile

"What is it hon" I fiddle with my lip "I'm hungry..." she takes a deep breath "alright let's see what we have"

she opens the fridge empty she goes to the pantry empty and then the  cupboards just two cans of spaghetti-O's she sighs again and grabs one.....

After that day Mom said she would be going out tomorrow for food and I was to stay inside.....

Alright hope you like the first chapter rewritten I think it's much better and I'll see ya next time Bye!!

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