Up in Flames

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Hay guys I'm back and ready to go so let's just jump right in

It's been a few minutes and now the pink intruding thing is all the way in it hurts still and then Dave rips it out hard and fast just to replace it with his dick

He trusts into the one spot that's only for Carl I hate it I want to stab him and let him turn and eat everyone here he's moaning now God so fucking gross

He Rams me harder each trust I scream in pain I hear Glen screaming at the walls and Maggie crying after what seems like an eternity he cums thrusting all the way in he pulls out and his filthy seed oozes out of my hole as it twitches he untapped my legs and leaves

After an hour I hear commotion out side and then the door flys open and Rick storms in with Carl on his heel Carl sees me and runs over "Jake!" He untied me and Rick heads off after Glen

Carl takes off his pants and undies and then hands me the briefs and puts in the pants "what happened?" I look down in shame "Th...this guy r..r..raped me...." Carl runs forward and hugs me close soaking my red shirt and then

we go out and find my jeans I take them to find them soaked in cum I drop the putrid cloth and fallow Rick he looks down at me

"Are you ok to walk?" I try to move forwards and fall I can't walk after what he did to me Rick picks me up and we leave but not until we set som fires on the car ride back Carl stayed right by me the whole time


"Hay Jake!" I look to see my best friend Jesse waiting for me sure he's 17 and I'm 10 but we still hang out I run over to him

"Hi what are we noun today" I cheep he grabs my hand and we take off "it's a surprise" we run into the woods and he covers my eyes as we slow down  and then he instructs me to walk forward

Then to open my eyes when I do I see a fort decorated with all my favorite stuff t I turn and look at Jesse "it's awesome Jesse" he chuckles "well thanks I built it for you"

-End flashback-

Now we're at the prison again home sweet home we drive up to the court yard and Carl helps me out of the car and into the prison when we go through everyone looks at me

We get to the cell and Carl helps me into my pjs and then we cry ourself a to sleep the next morning I wake up half expecting Dave to be there but it Carl's sweet face tear stained I situ pans then I remember last night my bottom hurts

I get up somehow and go down for food I spot Rick and hobble over to him "hay you should be resting" I shake my head " they raped me Rick I'm not resting till everyone there is dead" my eyes are full of fire Rick stares at me hatred sorrow and misery all mixed into his gaze

He pinches the bridge of his nose "what do you mean by they raped you" he's so kiev sometimes "they paid a fat fucking perv named Dave to come fuck me in the ass!" I grab the plate of food I made and storm off to my cell

Soon Maggie and Glen come to my cell door and knock "what" I turn to them Maggie comes forward and I see Glen's bruised face "Jake we just wanted to say sorry..."

I cut them off "no you don't need to be sorry it's that fat pervs fault and the governors" they look at each other and back to me "sorry we couldn't do more"

They leave  I mope in my own shame and look at Carl's sleeping form and then I pack I throw my shit in a bag and I leave just like that I'm gone

I walk for about a day not wanting to be found I don't deserve Carl not until Woodbury pays I go to a gas station and get some gasoline and then head to Woodbury once there I sneak in and spread the gas

it's night time and everyone's in bed I entry two gas cans and the I strike a match and throw it to the gas it if nights and I hear screams and then see people running around and I find who I'm after that fat fucking hore Dave

I go over and shoot his knee "hay you fat fuck remember me?!?!" He looks up in horror at me I raise my knife and plunge it into that revolting pice of flesh he calls a dick

Then I rip it down and I see red I stab him again and again then leave him to die my last words "hope you like hell you sick fuck"

Then I go to a tree and watch the town burn the smoke rise and the walkers feast I don't see the governor escape right below me

Ok you guys finally see jakes dark side hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time bye!

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