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Aaaaaaallllriggght chapter 20 finally and this chapter is mostly going to be rehabilitation for Jake hope you enjoy

After the flames die down I climb down and head back to the prison covered in blood and soot when I reach the fence Daryl's on watch and he leads me to Rick

They lock me in solitary without telling Carl I was back Daryl comes in with his cross bow and sits down "so?" He looks at me "so what" I say a little too cheery he scoots closer

"Why are you covered in blood and soot?" I think then look Daryl dead in the eye "I burnt down those fuckers I burnt the town and murdered that crazy fuck for what he did I didn't even touch his brain I wanted him to turn"

Daryl looks at me then gets up and walks out without a word I stay on the bed and just stare at the wall they took my stuff

An hour later the cell opens and Rick steps in "you burnt Woodbury!?!" He was bewildered I looked to him and calmly stated "I took my revenge on those fuckers"

He paces round my cell thinking "Rick I'm not crazy" he keeps pacing and then turns to me "we're keeping you here until we're sure you're not dangerous" I smile to him "just tell Carl I'm ok now he doesn't have to worry anymore or cry"

He walks out its been a few hours or days I don't know witch but Rick finally came back in "Carl's coming to visit you" then he walked out

A few seconds or was it minutes Carl came in and lunged at me I flinch but he hugs me and mumbles into my shoulder

"What?" He looks at me "I'm glad" I know what he means he's glad I got revenge of that fat ass mother fucker we talk for a while and he brings up when I'll be able to come out

"Dad said you could come out in a few days and then everything will be back to normal I brought you something as thanks for my toy

He holds out a 3DS and one of the newer Pokemon games it's omega ruby I hug him "thanks but you didn't have to get me anything I just saw that toy and thought you'd like it...."

I'm cut off by Rick "come on Carl visiting is over you can come back tomarrow he pushes Carl out and closes the cell door

I played the game all day and I made it to the third gym badge it's a fun game but then I got tired and went to bed

The next morning I get up and bang on the door "Rick I have to pee" he opens the door and leads me outside to take care of buisness then he leads me back I didn't do much that day

The next day I got up to see Rick walking in "hi Rick" he looks to me "well I've decided to give you a second chance" he steps aside and I stumble forward he nods to me when I stop right infront of the door

I walk out and see my bag I grab it and Rick walks me back to the cell block I still don't have my gun but that's ok I spend that day with Carl

Night falls and Rick comes to our cell and hands me my gun "welcome back" I take it and he leaves I just put it away and eat dinner with Carl

Ok that's that and next chapter we will be time skipping just so you know anyways welcome back Jakey!!!  "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!!!" Hope you enjoyed bye

Carl Grimes x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora