To Terminus

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"Hi guys it's me Jake mister author is out right now so I'm filling in.............uh-oh I forgot what to say" runs to Carl and locks door

We walk in and Hershel stands up motioning for us to fallow we end up in the living room "now boys Rick is in bad shape and I'm tired now I'm going to take a nap you stay here and don't leave"

With that he goes to his room and shuts the door it was  quiet but then we heard a car I look out the window and see a black truck with some people getting out

I run to Carl "get Rick up now we need to move" he dose so I run to Hershel's door and knock lightly he opens it "we need to go..." I'm cut off

"I know get Rick and let's go"  I help Carl with Rick and we go out the back and leave but they spot us I shoot one of them and we run

It's been a few days now we're on the road and trying to escape the group we shot at now we're stoping to camp next to a parked car me and Carl are in the car while Rick and Hershel are outside it

That night I lock the doors to the car and we go to sleep but that group catches up to us and we're surprised two guys get me and Carl out and hold us at knife point

Rick and Hershel are on the ground being held at gun point then I hear a familiar voice "Lover boys?...Rick....Hershel?" We look up and I nearly cry "Daryl?!?" We all say

Daryl try's talking them out of it "these guys is good people" the leader looks at Daryl "you know you say they's good people now that's....that's a lie" he points to Daryl

"Teach him boys" the men that are free start kicking Daryl I scream "noooooooo!" Then the leader speaks again

"First we're gunna kill Daryl then the boys slowly and painfully then you and we'll be square" he laughs and I snap like before I just snap

"AaaarrrrrraaaaaHhhhhh" I scream at the top of my lungs as I snatch the knife and plunge it into my guard he falls

I pull the knife out splattering blood on my face and hands everyone freezes as my face twists with anger this gives Daryl time to get up and start defending himself he stabs one

I run at Carl's guard and slap the knife away from his neck Carl ducks as  plunge my knife into his guard and I pull it out more blood splatter  my light blue jean jacket is now stained red

Daryl finishes the other men while I run for the leader I jump on him and stab his shoulder he screams and falls as I jump off

I get in his face "YOU DONT FUCKING TOUCH HIM!!" I point to Carl as I stab him again and again in the gut screaming the whole time "FUCK YOU!!!"

Then his screams fade as he dies a crossbow bolt streams through his head bringing me back to my senses I'm coated in blood I look to Carl

He steps forward but Rick stops him and looks me over I take a step and Rick draws his gun on me I drop the bloody knife

"'s's j....j...ust me"
Daryl steps in front of me "you shoot him you shoot me" Rick lowers his gun and drags Carl away I go with Daryl to the car and Carl joins Rick and Hershel

Later that night I'm awake so is Daryl he nudges me "you awake kid?" I nod he sighs "look that was a pretty brave thing you done back there you saved us....."

I cut him off "I wasn't trying to save you or Rick or Hershel or myself just Carl I did it for Carl just like with Woodbury and the governor I did it for him and Rick thinks I'm crazy I think I'm crazy"

Daryl just looks at me "well thanks anyways and your not crazy I would've done the same if it were Merel" then he rolls over "try to get some sleep"

I stay awake for a while after that till sleep finally claims me I dream another flashback that night


I wake up in my desk in math my first period the bell rings and I get up grabbing my stuff I go to science it's not the same as before normally I'd be bored shitless but some how the out brake makes normal life seem fun

After science it's launch/recess and I go to the usual spot where I meet Jesse at lunch we go to our hang out and sit he pulls out a pipe and a jar full of pot I look at him as he loads a bowl

We smoke talk and then we go decade my launch is over I head inside and to English class it's not too bad then it's gym and I'm changing out when Austin and Zack come in I'm in my undies

"Awwww look Austin Jakey-wakey is all alone with no clothes"Austin grabs me from behind and Zack punches me in the gut the pain ripples through my body and then black and I wake up

-end flashback-

I'm awake but I still feel the pain in my gut Carl is outside peeing on a bush I get out "Carl!" I call his name he looks and zips his pants and runs over he hugs me tight and long

"Thank you....thank you......" I hug him back and the next thing I know we're kissing deep and hot but then Carl's ripped away from me I open my eyes and see Carl being drug away by Rick

We get in the car and take off  after a few hours we ru out of gas grate we get out and fallow the tracks when we find a sign it reads

-sanctuary for all those who arrive survive terminus-

but the map is blocked by a note written in walker blood said walker wasn't too far away the note read

-Glen go to terminus Maggie Sasha and Bob-

We all lighten up more of our people and they're going to terminus we all look forward and then Rick looks at everyone and when he reaches me he glares

"Alright let's give it a shot" we keep going Carl has been chained to Rick literally Rick handcuffed Carl to himself so I stay with Daryl and Hershel

After an hour or so Hershel looks to me and my somber look "what's wrong son?" He looks at me with a caring look

"Well Rick won't let me see Carl anymore and I think he doesn't trust me because of what happened and I just don't know what to do"

Hershel takes this in "I'll talk with Rick you just turn that frown upside down alright?" I nod as I sniffle and he goes to talk with Rick after a minute we stop and Rick unlocks the hand cuffs

Carl runs over to me and we kiss right there in front of everyone it's our most pashonet kiss yet when we brake the small group keeps going Carl and me hand in hand even though I'm covered with blood

"Ummmm ok so there you go guys I hope you liked it and......" Jake Carl I'm home! "Ahhhh it's mister author what should I do" runs to the window and try's to escape "uh-oh it's locked" Jake is that you talking?

Carl Grimes x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя