The Sickness

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Ok guys chapter 22 hope you enjoy and let's get on with the story

It's been a day me and Carl are just moping together in our cell as we wait for the medicine that Daryl went after Hershel comes in he's been tending the sick

"Here boys I know it tastes bad but just drink it" he hands us what looks like tea I give him a puzzled look "it helps with the symptoms" I drink it and nearly barf it's a horrid taste and I get a look on my face Hershel chuckles

He pats us on the shoulders and leaves "I'll be back to cheek on ya" and then he moves on we sip our tea and lay down i peck Carl on the lips he pecks me back and we take a nap

We wake up a little later to Hershel checking on us he sees me move and sits down "you know Jake I've known you for a while and I think you're the toughest of the tough but at the end of the day all of that doesn't matter" he looks at me

"What do you mean Hershel?" He looks at me with his sparkling eyes "I mean you and Carl falling in love and not being afraid of the world...." I cut him off

"I am afraid every day but then I look at Carl and I get a new found motivation to live to carry on and I do it" Hershel pats my shoulder and stands up

"Get some rest veterinarians orders" he walks out and I lay back down and fall asleep I dream about what life could have been if not for this

In my dream I don't meet Carl or Rick or Glen or anyone els In fact I stay to myself only bonding with Jesse

Jesse I've been thinking about him for a while now I wonder if he's alive dead or a walker he's tough a lot tougher than me

When I wake up it's because I'm coughing up blood Carl wakes too and screams "Hershel help" Hershel comes in and goes to work

"Roll him over on his side clear the air way" Carl dose so and I can breath a little better I look at Hershel fright in my gaze he starts assembling something

"Roll him on his back" Carl dose this "Jake if you can hear me just relax and let it happen" I relax as much as possible and I fell a tube go down my throat and then air fills my lungs I look at Carl and black out


It's morning I sit up I'm in my old bed with the transformers blanket and pillow I look around and see everything's fine I get out of bed and walk over to my door I walk out it the hall ways just how I remember it

I walk down stairs and see that brown curly hair and red dress and I open my mouth "mommy?..." She turns and comes over placing a hand on my head as I look up

"Yes sweetie?" I look around and then crash into my mom "I missed you" is all I say as tears stream down my face she hugs me and calms me down she was always good at that

After I'm done crying she pulls away "now then you eat and get to school" I eat and she puts my bag on me and waves bye as I walk out then I wake up

-end flashback-

When I open my eyes I'm in the cells bed and hooked to an IV bag I look to my right and see Carl starring down at me I smile at him as I notice he's attached to one to

He leans down and we kiss not just lips but a full on make out it was the best one yet we part for air as Hershel walks in "welcome back to the land of the living" he cheeks my pulse and leaves

I look at Carl and "KA-BOOM!" The prison shakes I detach the IV bag Carl dose to and we run outside and the first thing I see is the governor I growl

Carl puts a hand on my shoulder too late I take off and sneak around the rest of them once in the woods behind him I crouch Carl crouches next to me

"Come on down here Rick we need to talk" Rick yells something I can't hear "fuck talking you die" I say through clenched teeth

I go to move forward but ricks walking down the trail to us shit he reaches the fence and speaks "I'm not in charge anymore but you can...." He doesn't finish

"Who is In charge? Hershel?" He waves and a man pulls Hershel out of a truck and smirks the same way he did that day at Woodbury

I sneak up behind the tank "please we can all live here together you put down your weapons and walk through those gates and your one of us

By now the governor has a sword to Hershel's neck "please we have children if this turns out a fire fight they all die you all die is that what you want?" He looks to the governor then to his people "is that what any of you want?!" Some shake there heads

A man in the tank speaks "what we what you have....time for you to leave ass hole" that's all it took I lunge at the governor knocking the blade drone his grasp

I stab him in the gut and rip the knife out blood splatters my face Hershel looks at me astonished so dose everyone els

Ooooook done haha another epic cliff hanger sorry I'm just too good at them anyways I'll see you next chapter bye

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