Up and Moving

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ok guys i did three chapters today and i think i can do a few more but i hope your liking the rewrite of this story it's still pretty much the same but i did make a few changes to this one i hope you enjoy it....

Carl's POV

after the funeral we had for the people we lost Jake locked me out of the tent and he won't come out i know he's grieving but earlier when he hugged me on our cot i kinda liked it so let him stay then he let go and screamed then he blacked out that's when i left he woke up soon after and locked me out

so now i'm just walking around camp but then dad comes over "Carl let's go for a walk" he then keeps going and i fallow we get a little ways out of camp and he finally speaks

"look Carl Jake's going through something no one his age should have to i want you to be understanding and help him through it and through the move"

i look at him "wait move?"
"yes we're leaving it's too dangerous and we're going to try the CDC in town so just go and get packed and try to cheer up Jake ok?" i nod and then we're back at camp i stop 'when did we turn around?' oh well i go to the tent and as i reach the small blue and black tent it's open i step in no Jake and his stuff is gone too

it hits me like a ton of bricks and i run out and find the first person i can i yell "SHANE!" he jogs over "what is it Carl?" i take a breath "J..Jake he's gone is stuff too" Shane curses under his breath "go find your dad i'll start looking!"

Jake's POV

After i woke up i packed everything i had my clothes my toys and some snacks i didn't remember about the walkers but i did go to my moms tent and i grabbed her necklace she didn't have it on that night

it was a small gold chain with a heart at the bottom i open it and inside is a picture of me and dad at my 9th birthday a tear comes to my eye i wipe it away and put on the necklace

then i left just ran i wanted as far away as possible a few minutes later i was out of breath from running and i hear it the moans of the dead then i see them i crap my pants as i climb a tree walkers at my heals i find a nice sturdy branch and sit back to the trunk

i then fall asleep crying i have a dream in it is me and mom at the amusement park we're in line we get our tickets and go straight to my favorite ride the scrambler it's a big machine with three arms each with three couches and it spins we hop on

the guy puts the guard rail down and the ride starts and as we spin i turn to mom "mom....i....i love you" she smiles and kisses me on the head then i get angry "why didn't you just kill the walkers mom!! why! why..." i start to cry

she hugs me and finally speaks "Jake baby i love you so much and i'm so sorry i left you but i need you to be strong" i sob harder as she rubs my back "please don't cry Jake be strong i need you to survive and live your life please just do that for me ok?" i look at her tears streaming and nod as she wipes the tears away

"that's my big strong boy i love you and please just be strong survive and beat the horrible world you've been thrown into and then after you've lived your life and die a happy man i'll see you again ok?"

i nod again and she kisses me on the forehead "i love you more than you know remember that...." with that she's gone and i'm in a dark room i sob once more "i love you too mom" and then it fades and i wake up

once i'm awake i feel tears on my cheek and hear gun fire i look down and see Rick and Shane Rick climbs up as Shane yells "What the hell were you thikin kid you trying to get killed!!" Rick reaches me and sees the tears

"hey hey what's wrong?" i don't say anything "you wanna come with me?" i nod as i sniffle then Rick turns so i can climb into his back then we climb down at the bottom Shane yells again "That's how you get killed you dumb kid!" i snap and jump off Ricks back

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ASS HOLE!!" with that i stormed off and Rick followed we make it back to camp and Tick pulls me into the RV "hey Jake are you ok?" i shake my head "do you wanna talk about it?" i shake my head "ok well i'm here for you ok?" i nod my head and leave

i walk to the tent to find Carl packing it up he spits me and stops "Jake?..." i look at him "you ok?" i ignore his question "what's going on?" i look at the half packed tent "oh well dad said we were going to leave it's too dangerous here" i just nodded and helped packing the tent

-time skip-

after the whole camp was packed we climbed into the cars and went on our way it was about noon me and Carl sat in the back seat with Carol and her daughter Sophia i played my DS till the battery died and then for the rest of the trip i just stared out the window i was feeling a bit better and just trying not to think about everything

after an hour or two more we arrived it was almost dark and we made our way to the door it's shut with big metal sheets covering Shane spoke "well looks like there's nothing here"

i looked away and up just in time to see something i wasn't sure what the adults started arguing behinds me as i watched the area there was a camera and just then i saw it move i gasped and Carl looked at me

"hey guys?" i said to everyone they all look to me "i saw it move" Rick looks where i was looking and then bangs on the metal "HEY OPEN UP!!" Shane then opens his stupid mouth

"oh so now we're listening to a suicidal kid huh?" Rick banged more "LET US IN PLEASE WE HAVE WOMEN AND KIDS!" Rick yelled at the camera

"RICK WE NEED TO GO!" Shane yelled as a few walkers appeared i looked at the camera as Tick yelled once more being drug from the door "YOUR KILLING US!!" and as we were leaving the metal opens up and light blinded us all a man stepped out "what do you want?"

alright guys i hope you liked it and i'll be onto chapter 8 soon i hope you like it and i'll see ya next time

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