Prison Life

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Ok we are back me and Jake and Carl "um mister author?...." Ya Jake? "Can I have a cookie?" Hmmmm ok -hands cookie- "mmmmmmm thank you"

It's been a few days Hershel's still in bed but getting better me and Carl are helping Lori because she's pregnant but now Lori sent us away saying "no you two go have fun I'm fine" then she shooed us away

Now me and Carl are sitting on top of the prison eating some snacks we stashed away I lean into his shoulder and he lays his head on mine

Up here it's easy to forget about how the world ended because it's just so damn peaceful there I go again cussing oh well "hay Jake?..." I look up at Carl's bright blue orbs "yah Carl?..." "We should sleep up here in the tent tonight..."

It's not a bad idea it'll be nice to be all alone up here so we climb down and go to our cell and grab the tent cot and sleeping bag I leave a note

-Dear: Rick

Me and Carl are going on a camp out we'll be fine it's just one night we will be back in the morning for breakfast

Love:Jake & Carl

P.S. We want bacon and eggs! -

I stick it to our bed then grab some pillows and fallow Carl luckily everyone's busy right now so they don't see where we go

Once we get everything up there we pull up the ladder and set up camp the tents open our camps lit up by lanterns and we're snuggled up on the cot and I nuzzle into Carl's neck

After a while we turn out the lanterns and snuggle up in bed we don't do anything just cuddle and fall asleep it's nice up here then I pass out

The next morning we get up and go down the ladder and into the cell block when we enter we smell it that heavenly smell "Bacon!!" We both say at once and we run to where Glen is cooking we drool at the sight of bacon and eggs

"Oh hi you two how do you want your eggs?" Such a simple question what do I want scrambled, hard, fried, over easy, or sunny side up

"Over easy" Carl speaks up I look to Glen "same here" I say Glen chuckles and hose back to cooking we go sit down and wait for our food

After a minute Glen walks over and puts our plates down it looks delicious two eggs 5strips of bacon and hash browns it's like heaven

I take my first bite of bacon it's grate then we scarf it down it tastes grate and then we put our plates back and head to our cell

-time skip-

It's been a few months loris due any day now but today everything went wrong we were with Lori walking around when the alarms started a loud blaring

We run inside the prison dust me Carl Lori and Maggie get separated or at least I do I end up in a broom closet with walkers right outside the door snarling hungry for my flesh

After a while the alarms stop and the walkers are quiet but no they know I'm in here then the door flys open its Daryl "oh hay one of the lover boys" I hug him

After a bit me and Daryl find our way to the cell block I see Carl he's covered in blood and holding a baby I run over to him and grab him with one arm and look at the small fragile baby in his arms

"Carl your a big brother now" then he looks at me hatred in his eyes he pushes me away I realize my mistake Loris nowhere to be found Carl storms away

I find Maggie and when I do she's crying in Glen's arms I clear my throat to let them know I'm here they look over at me 

Maggie comes over and hugs me hard I speak "where's Lori?" She sobs hard at that "she's gone Hun she's gone....." Then she goes over to Glen again and I leave

It's been a few hours then Rick shows up "I cleared out the generator rooms" Hershel looks at him "how many?" Hershel means walkers how many walkers

Rick looks to us "not that many just wanted to cheek on Carl and Jake" he walks back Hershel fallows me and Carl are left alone I look to him

"Carl I'm sorry" he snaps his gaze to me "sorry sorry I had to........I had to...k...kill her stop the turn and you say sorry!?" He then storms off to our cell and closes it locking me out

I go to our camp on the roof and load a bowl recently I found som pot and I used it before so I took it I still have my pipe too I light it and blow out

After a bit I hear clanking and hide the pipe I see Daryl come up he walks in the tent and wrinkles his nose as he sits "so been smokin away your problems huh?" I nod defeated "don't tell Rick"

He looks at me "I won't tell if you share" I pull out my glass fish pipe and hand it to Daryl he takes a hit we stay up there for a while and then Daryl leaves saying "I'll tell Carl your up here" I nod as he defends the ladder I lay on the cot


It's late we just got home from the movies we went to see the new transformers movie it was awesome it's my tenth birthday I'm in bed mom and dad kiss me good night and start leaving "good night sweety" mom exits

dad puts a hand on my shoulder "good night sport" he ruffles my hair and leaves turning out my light I snuggle into my blanket and fall asleep

-end flashback-

I wake up and it's not home I'm in a tent and Carl's sitting next to me looking down I open my eyes more "where's mommy and daddy" he looks at me confused and then laughs

"Mommy and daddy?" He laughs harder I'm awake now I blush hard "sh...shut up" he stops and wipes a tear from his eye "are you having flashbacks too?" I nod "that explains it" I sit up

"where's the baby?" He looks down "she's with Beth" I grab the pipe and Carl looks at it surprised I load it and he wrinkles his nose "is that..." "Marijuana? Yea.." I finish his sentence

I take a hit and hand it to him he takes it unsure "just light the bowl and breath in" I instruct him he dose so instantly coughing I take it from him "first time smoker" he nods still choking a few minutes later he's recovered

"I feel weird but in a good way..." I chuckle "that's the THC workin its magic" I offer him the pipe he pus out a hand "I've had enough of that" we laugh and I finish smoking

Oooooook done hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter bye

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