A Close Call

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Ok time for chapter 31 I hope you all enjoy and now onwards....

Jakes POV:

After breakfast that morning we went to the edge of the fence where a small cluster was forming we keep walking away from the moans

We walk past the tank in the yard from the governor in ruins and burnt I turn away from Carl who is talking about something along the lines of what do you want to do but he turned as I climb into the tank

He yells "Jake what are you doing?!?" I ignore him and get inside it's mostly destroyed and burnt but I can make everything out I have a flash back to when my dad last visited


I lay there in bed waiting for mom to come home with dad I haven't seen him since my last birth day that was four months ago I hear a rumble and run to the window and see a tank pulling into our yard

Then my dad pops out I grin and run down stairs and jump into my dads arms I pull my face away and smile at him he chuckles

"Hi little man how've ya been?" He puts me down and ruffles my hair "um what's with the tank dad?" He turns "oh ya well...." He drags it out "what do ya say I take you for a ride in it?"

I brighten up and smile more of that was possible "ya That would be awesome!" He chuckled and led me to the tank

-end flashback-

When I come back to reality Carl's in the tank with me and he grabs my hand pulling it "Jake come on it's not safe!" I wrench my hand away "hold on I just wanna look" I walk around in the small area

At the other end of the tank I see a burnt body I ignore it and look at the burnt control panel when I hear an all to familiar moan I look around and the burnt body isn't a body it's a walker I fall over

"Ah....ah....ahhhhhhhhhh!" I scream as it lunges for me I hold it off with my feet and hands Carl turns at my scream and runs over I look to him fear in my gaze he pushes it off

He grabs my hand pulling me away from the Horrid creature and we clambered out and just as Rick comes running "what's wrong I heard the scream!?!" Carl just looks at me as I shake

Rick some how gets the message and checks the tank he comes back out and hauls the dead walker out and away Carl and I just sit there

After a while I look to Carl and see his concerned face "I'm
Ok now really" I stand and Carl shoots up "take it easy!" I grab onto him as I loose my balance for a second we walk back and to our cell

I lay down not even changing my blood stained shirt Carl joins me and we go to bed I don't dream that night

Ok guys a short one but I hope you all like it and I'll see you next time bye!!!

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