The Man Part 2

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Ok guys here's Chapter 3 extended I hope you like it and please tell me how I'm doing expanding the story and now here's the chapter......

We go in the door my mom eyeing the man the whole time I see her sit down and the man dose so too he opens his mouth

"My names Rick....Rick Grimes  nice to meet you" he offers a hand "Lilly what brings you here Rick?" She asks shaking his hand

I sit down as they continue "I came here looking for the safe zone looking for my wife and boy he's about your boys age actually"

Mom takes this in "do you know about the..." she pauses Rick speaks "the dead? Ya I woke up a few days ago in the hospital I would of died if not for a man and his boy in my neighbors house"

Mom again takes this in "I couldn't imagine waking up to this this....shit hole"

She whispered the last part but I heard her then I open my big mouth "what's your sons name?" Rick looks to me "his names Carl what's yours?"

Crap why did I do that?

" is J..Jake"

He smiles as mom hugs me tight she then tells me to go play with my toys I do so and grab my favorite one it's a      spider-man action figure

I sit and play for a while about an hour I'd say until I ended up falling asleep the next thing I remember is waking up in bed it's dark I call out "M..Mommy!"

I hear her coming up the stairs and to my room the door opens and in comes the man from yesterday Dick or something he comes over "shhhh we have to be quiet"

Then I hear it the moans I look outside to a sea of roamers then I see the dead horse being eaten I puke and Rick brings the bucket

"Not a strong gut huh?" He rubs my back as I puke once I'm done he rubs my back a bit more and then picks me up as we go down stairs

As we go Rick puts on a bag and I see mom grad our stuff food clothes and my toys we run out of the house and down the street

After an hour or two of walking the sun came up its nice and warm in walking now with a knife mom gave me we walk around the corner and see a tank I look at it as Rick neals down

"That cool?" I nod

"You wanna go see inside it?" I nod again then we go Rick goes first and kills a few roamers then a whole bunch come from up the street Rick clambers all of us in

We back up and see a body Rick pulls a gun of if the dead soldier and a grenade then the body moves and Rick shoots it defining us

After the ringing stops we hear "hey you..." we look at the radio "ya you in the tank you comfy in there?"

Ok guys I hope you liked it and I'm hard at work with the next part please again leave a comment and tell me what you think I'll see ya next time Bye!

Carl Grimes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now