Far From Home

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Ok guys we're getting ready to slow on down to the end so I hope you all enjoy and here's the chapter...

Carl's POV:

I wake up again but not by my self I hear moans all around me 'fuck' I'm trapped I grab my bag and rummage for something anything to eat

I don't find any instead I grasp a metal object I know to be jakes pipe I feel our stash with it I pull them out and smoke...

Jakes POV:

It's morning I get packed and head out after a minute I see a bunch of walkers crowded around a building then I smell hits me weed was that Carl?
My sniffer leads me to find the smell coming from the building

I crouch in some bushes a half full rum bottle in one hand a lighter and cloth in the other I take a swig and drench the cloth putting it in the bottle I light it and throw

It explodes and the walkers shamble over I go over to the building...

Carl's POV:

I was smoking when an explosion goes off outside I look out and see the walkers go over to a huge flame I go over to the door and open it to see......


Jesse's POV:

we've been fallowing the tracks for a while but they swerve to the east I just hope there ok but for now we look...

Time skip thanks to 4:20

It's been a few hours it's dark now we stop and eat some jerky we talk and worry about the boys I tell them all that those two boys can handle them selves then we all hit the sack

Jakes POV:

I found him Carl he's here in that door way I nearly cry and I run forward and hug him hard he returns it and then whispers "we should leave..."  I nod and we walk

A few minutes later we're far enough away I sit with Carl and just look at him then I grab his arm and start looking it over I then move to his shirt and raise it

"What are you doing?" He looks at me I keep checking him "checking for scratches..." I state simply after I'm satisfied I let him free with a smooch to his cheek

We smoke and go to bed the next morning we walk still but we've gotten turned around and once we find where we are we notice a stench on the air we look around I spot it

"Oh fuck..." Carl turns to where I'm looking "what is....it..." We stare at the hoard moving towards us at least a hundred thousand maybe more

We get away and pull out the map we had found " where are we?" Carl asks luckily we're at an intersection "Willson street and ford " I say Carl scans the map

"Fuck we're heading east we've gone off track at least four miles!" I look at the map "now what?" I look towards the approaching hoard  we agree to just turn back the way we'd come but we still don't have a car we'll have to travel through the night

We gather our stuff and head out we see another small store "we're gunna need coats" Carl says turning to it I fallow we enter clear it and look around for coats our size

After about an hour we finally find some coats we like I managed to fined a nice warm blue zip up hoodie Carl found a regular dark green hoodie we put them on and start back out not wanting to catch the hoard .....

Jesse's POV:

It's dark now we've made some head way and now we've stopped for the night and make camp in the cars a few hours pass and we hear a rustle in the bushes we all stand drawing our guns Rick steps forward "who's there!"

Jakes POV:

A few hours pass it's dark hoard still at our backs I see a light up ahead and I duck into the bushes Carl behind me "head lights only one pair" I say at Carl's questioning look

he nods as he spots the light we sneak around to where they are and see four black figures all men by the looks of it we get closer as Carl steps on a stick and it snaps

We hear guns being drawn and then one of them steps forward the leader no doubt as we mainly I mentally curse at Carl we hear a rough gravely voice
"Who's there!" We freeze

The shadow moves closer "come on out let's talk..." I turn to Carl mentally asking what we should do he just trembles not noticing I speak....

Jesse's POV:

We all wait after Rick tells whatever it is to come out we then hear a voice "o..ok we're coming out don't shoot....please"

we see a small hand emerge then a brown head fallowed by another then I drop my gun and run over enveloping Jake and Carl in a hug Jake is shocked as he stutters "j..j..Jesse?..." I pull away

Rick Daryl and Glenn put down there guns and join me by the boys we've been looking for we sit them down by the fire and Rick starts questioning the poor boys I walk to the car...

Ok guys I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter and sorry this chapter took so long anyways as of this update I'm starting the next chapter so I hope that makes up for it but anyways I'll see you guys next chapter bye!!

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