Settling In

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Ok I'm back and ready to write I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and now on to the story!

My vision comes back and I look at the governors face twisted in pain I look up at his people time slows to a crawl as I hear screams and guns clicking

I hear a gunshot  it brings me back to reality as the bullet passes by my face I hear the whistle of air and I'm on my feet and I run into the woods Carl right behind me shooting

We reach the woods and keep running we find a tree and climb it all the way to the top and watch as the governors men run by beneath us and then the sound of metal on metal

I look up and see the prison fences being torn down as the tank advances then "KA-BOOM" they shoot we climb down and go to the edge of the woods and see the group leaving

"No they're leaving us" Carl shouts then the tank exploded the rest of the attackers retreat and we run over the prisons in flames and everyone's gone or dead

"JAKE! CARL!" We turn hearing that gravely voice it's Rick and Hershel we run to them and hug them "we have to go now" Rick leads us away

That was a few hours ago now we are raiding a store for supply's but poor baby Judith didn't make it there was one walker we killed it and got a bunch of food and water

We leave and end up in a house for the night ricks beat up pretty bad he apparently got into a scuffle with the governors men and Hershel saved him

When we go into the house me and Carl clear upstairs while Hershel and Rick cleared down stairs we were just about done one room left I bust through the door and into a room a boys room probably about mine and Carl's age

I look around and my eyes land on a giant flat screen TV and an Xbox 360 with just about every game there is I go over and look through the games

"What are you doing?" I turn and look at him "I'm lookin for something" then I go back to digging I hear Carl "I'm gunna go tell them it's all clear" then he leaves

When he returns I have a stack of games next to me "what are those?" I stand and walk over hugging him "just about every DBZ game known to man"

He looks at me confused "DBZ?" I stare at him "Dragon Ball Z?" He looks more confused "uhhhh your hopeless..." I go back over to the games

After a little while we hear a click flowed by more clicks then the light came on in the room I stare at Carl he stares at me then we both look to the glowing bulb

I hear Rick coming up the stairs he enters the room "I got the power on they had solar panels" we look to Rick then the light he chuckles "it's just a light" then he leaves

A few minutes later I stop starring at the bulb just remembering what's in the room I go over and turn on the TV it sines blue I turn on the Xbox and I see the all too familiar logo as it turns on

I turn to Carl "Carl we have video games" he looks at the sight in screen two profiles are on it I sight in to the one called Jessie and hand Carl a controller I put in Dragon Ball Z Ultamate tinkiechi and we play

We go into a vs match I pick kid Gohan my favorite and Carl chooses the first one he comes to Goku  we fight and I win because I have played before

After a few more rounds Hershel yells up "for the last time dinner you two I'm not comin up there" my ears perk up and I smell it steak mashed potatoes and gravy

We run down faster than Hershel could hobble on his crutches and we're at the table with forks in hand Rick comes in with two plates and sets them down then gets two more Hershel joins us and we eat

After dinner  me and Carl go back up stairs and fall asleep in this Jessie kids pjs they are Pokemon and DBZ I take the latter of the two and we head for the bed I turn out the light and we sleep

The next morning Hershel and Rick sleep in while me and Carl get ready we need more supply's I grab my gun and knife so dose Carl and we go out

We round the house to find two walkers we each kill one and keep going we come to two large homes and we each take one

I walk up to mine and dash through the door nothing I look around downstairs nothing I head up cheek all but one room I open the door and jump back as the snarls reach my ears

I unsheathed my knife and I run over to it I miss and drop my knife "shit" I curse to myself I grab my gun and aim I pull and miss "shit" I aim again "click" "fuck" I throw the gun at the walker

I go into a room and try to open the window it's jammed "mother fucker" I turn the walkers  gaining on me I run around it and trip the walker  grabs my boot I kick it with my free foot

It doesn't let go I slide my foot out and slam the door shut I breath now safe from that thing I see a pice of chalk and write a note

- danger walker inside got my boot but didn't get me -

I go to the kitchen and clean it out and I find a tub of pudding and I grab it and climb onto the roof the walker try's to get me but the widows still jammed I eat the pudding as my hair shines golden

A few minutes pass and Carl comes out of his house and I wave he sees me and my entry tub of pudding on the ground "get down here and let's go" I climb down

We go back to the house and Ricks still asleep while Hershel waits by the back door for our return he smiles as we walk in arms full of food and water

Ok yet another chapter and I'm sorry about the delay I'm not in a position where I can update often but hopefully these three or four or how ever many I upload is a good make up and from here out I'm making it up I haven't seen past season four so ya anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time bye 

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