Making up

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Ok guys I'm back and ready for more I wonder what will happen no one knows what so let's just dive right in...

No Ones POV:

Jake wondered about looking for Carl he checked down town Main Street and even the very outer areas of the town no Carl any where Jake eventually heads home as lights out was coming

the sun sets over the mountains as Jake steps inside the shared apartment he and Carl were given he sees Carl's stuff but no Carl still this worried Jake lights out was coming fast and the gate would be sealed for the night

Jakes POV:

Where is he.....

He should be back by now...

I hope he's ok....

Carl's POV: I had left the town soon after Jake had entered I had learned some tracking from Daryl but not much

I could still faintly see jakes size 12 kids sneakers in the dirt I have all ready gone to adult boots size 9.5 men's I think

I fallow the trail to a spot just out to the right of the shelter there were tall magnificent trees and big bushy bushes and bright flowers I got lost in that place when I came back to reality I looked around it was darker

I looked to the horizon and see the sun just half way behind the earth "shit" I curse myself for being so careless worst of all I don't know how to get back

This is bad.......

Jakes POV:

I got sick of worrying and got ready my gun knife and some food and water for Carl mostly I head for the gate Rick is there on guard as I walk out he yells down

"Jake where you goin so late?!?" I just wave and head off I know where he is Rick catches up and grabs me

"Hey hey hey what are you doing?"

He's holding me firmly I give in

"I'm sorry Carl's missing and I have to find him!" I said with all my might

"I'll go with you...." I cut him off

"No I have to do this on my own dad!" I say loudly fully aware I used 'dad' he then released me and I took off to the right side of the shelter after a few minutes I see a light up ahead I sneak up just to be safe

Once closer I see its Carl I stand up and go out to him "CARL!" I yell he turns and sees me I see him and we run to each other and hug tightly he's scared that's why he forgives me now

I lead the way until about five or six walkers show up we're trapped I look around and spot a good tree to hide in I point "Carl climb!" He dose so as I fallow once safely up the walkers crowd under us

Im looking down but when I look back up I see Carl's lips crashing into mine we kiss it's been so long since we kissed about five days actually

After what seemed like an eternity of kissing we brake with a smack as a single strand of saliva connects our lips

After about three hours some walkers have gone the shelter lights are long out I check my watch it's eleven o clock I look to Carl

"Guess what?" He cocks an eyebrow


"Only two hours till our birth day!"

Even more confusion I explain it to him how I'd been planing something special for us since we got here a few weeks ago

He gets exited "what is it?"

"It's secret till we are safe and it's our birthday..." Then I climb further up the tree my small frame helping massively

Carl joins me and we star gaze for a few next thing we knew the moans are gone and I check the time twelve o clock exact

I nudge him awake and say "Happy Birthday!" As the meteor shower begins he stares in aw as do I

I could only track this because of the old telescopes in the local store and it was perfect we kissed as the meteors flew by burning up in the atmosphere

After a kiss and some more watching it stops and the sun rises over the land and we climb down and head home

Ok still short and sweet but just slightly longer and I hope this will show love can survive anything and with that I'm out bye!!

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