Where Oh Were to Go

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Ok guys you know the drill it's time for more and let's get right in enjoy......

Jakes POV:

it's been about a day or two and nothing else all the stores empty we're gunna go north try to cross the state line into Tennessee maybe there's more supply's there

I radio it in "Rick do you read?" The radio static goes fallowed by "ya" I park "there's nothing been all around the place I'm gunna try north Tennessee" more static

"All right we'll probably lose ya half way there but hopefully not" static " you two be careful" static "we will don't worry" static "Jake and Carl in the food-mobile over and out" I chuckle and hang up the radio as I watch Carl for a second sleeping then pull back to the road and drive

Jesse's POV:

Day three of the operation we've cleared half of em and we got word that the food run is going north I guess that gives us some more time anyways guess I'll keep at it then.....

Carl's POV:

I wake up we're stoped jakes napping in the drivers seat I laugh and shake him awake he cracks an eye "hmmm?..." I smile "move over let me drive" I say he moves to my seat while I move to his

"Where we goin?" He points at a map and I see a road path highlighted leading to...... "Tennessee huh" I take a deep breath "ye-haw" I start up the van and depart..........

-time skip-

We wake up on the fifth day and I get to the driver seat while Jake gets a bowl going "we're just a couple miles away now" I say as he passes me the bowl I take a hit as "hopefully it's worth the trip" he says groggily I pass it back blowing out

"I got a good feeling about it I think it'll be worth it" he smiles and gets upfront with me as we seen a guy on top of a truck waving and yelling "hay!" I look to Jake he nods and I pull over we exit the van and draw our guns

"Who are you!" Jake yells the man puts up his hands "I....I'm Mike I don't mean any trouble I swear" "do you have any weapons?" Jake yells back unfazed the man holds up a knife

"Just this for the dead" he looks to me I nod he nods too "come on down" we yell putting our guns in there holsters Mike climbs down and walks over handing Jake his knife

"So you two have names?" We turn and I answer " I'm Carl he's Jake what do you need food water?" He holds out a hand "nice to meet ya both if ya can just some beans and a water bottle would do" he smiles

"Anything to keep me going you know?" He laughs nervously we nod "ya" Jake points to the van looking to me I climb in and fetch two bean cans and two water bottles and bring them out "here ya go" I hand Mike the supplys and he nods "thank you I'll be going now" he turns to leave

"Hay you forgot this" Jake yells holding out Mikes knife he comes back "oh ya I'm so forgetful heh" he takes it and walks away we climb in the van and drive

"That was kinda weird" I said "what?" Jake said "that guy he just I don't know..." he turns to glance at me then back to the road "it's fine he's gone just a guy that needed help" I try to forget him but I can't something tells me there's more to him but I don't tell Jake.....

Ok that's all for now I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya next time Bye!!!

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