Back to The Good Ol Days

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Ok just so you know this is a time skip chapter Jake and Carl are close to another birthday but not there yet but now let's get to it

We've stayed here for almost a year now it's grate no worrying about walkers or other groups it's grate no more risking our lives for supply's anymore either

I'm in the town square with Carl it's a music party tonight and me and Carl have permission to go so once it's dark and the city lights come on its party time

We walk into the park little kids every where and here I thought me and Carl were the only kids left we watch as they run around and play without a care in the world

I get up Carl looks at me "I have to poop" he smiles and I head for the toilet I sit down after locking the door it's funny I never thought I'd be so happy about sitting on the toilet

I take my dump and as I walk out an explosion at the wall I see it and then hear it everyone looks in horror as a wave of walkers barges in the sirens go off and I loose Carl in the crowd I yell his name

"CARL!!...CAAAAARRRRRL!" I listen real hard and hear him "JAKE!?!" I yell back "CARL STAY WHERE YOU ARE ILL FIND YOU!!!!" I start moving listen for a reply

I hear him again "OK PLEASE HURRY!!" I keep moving and I see Carl I open my mouth "CARL!" But then "AHHHHHH JAKE HELP!" I see a guy grab Carl and run off I hop on a motor cycle that's next to me

I ride after him he's running pretty fast I speed up and get right behind him "give him back now!!" He looks and swings a punch at me I duck and jump off the bike into him

Carl gets flung and I punch this fucker as hard as I can till blood starts covering my fists Carl pulls me off of him he's long dead
Carl drags me out of town and to the cabin

We bust in and find Rick we run to him "Rick Rick the walls down an explosion and a wave of walkers is coming" he's takin aback we haven't talked about the walkers in quite a few months

I drag him outside and show him the darkish black wave of about four thousand we run for the truck me and Carl in the bed while the adults ride in the cab

we head for the nearest gate when we get there a huge crowed is waiting to get out but then just as they give the command to open the gate

"BOOM" a bomb goes off and more walkers we get back in the truck and drive the gates aren't safe we need to head across state we start the long trek towards the bitterroot valley

It's now night time we make camp we're far enough away from the walkers now to sleep without worry the next day we cheek the wave  it's closer then we'd like

We hop in and take off into the bitterroot valley and to the gate we get there and up to the gate the gate keeper opens the cheek in station

We approach the man "we need out there's walkers comin" the keeper looks at the wave then to us "I hope you know what you're doing" he opens the car gate and we drive through

We drive up around the wall to the breach and what we see is crazy it's Jesse in a tree house with bombs in a basket I yell up to him

"What the fucking hell!!!" He looks at us "oh hay you found me" he slides down a pole  "what's up?" I walk up and slap him "SMACK!" He looks a fended "we were in there when you set the walkers loose!"

He stares at us in aw "Jake I...I sware if I knew you were in there I would never have...." I cut him off "no you just killed hundreds of people even if we weren't there why?"

He looks down "one day I was out lookin for supply's when a group of men came apon me and told me "if you want to live you will clear out or come to the shelter" they left me there and I went to the shelter it's not what it seems they only let you in if you have kids"

He takes a breath "and that's because they kill everyone in there every once in a while to thin out the humans more wiping out the youth the next generation that's why those people have a chance now"

I shake my head at him flip him off and we leave without another word we're going to head back to Georgia to the prison maybe it's better now

Two days later we pass by the town by the prison and then those fences come into view no walkers in the yard we drive up and pick up the fences welding them back together we drive up to c block

Me and Carl jump out and up to the prison we open the door with the keys we left behind just in case we go into the cell block and up the stairs

Once up the stairs we see our old cell door the green and blue walls as we pass one of the cells a walker lunges at the closed bars I look closer "'s Beth" Carl walks over and gasps we put her down and pick her up and carry her out

Hershel passes by "is that one of our people?" He hobbles over and nearly faints when he sees her "Bethy?!?..." We keep going to our old grave yard and dig a grave for her put her in it and put her in the dirt

We go back to the prison and go to bed in our old bed it's nice but sad at the same time I get closer to Carl curling up and feeling his chest rise and fall steadily he's asleep I cry and pass out

The next day we all get up and get to work we have a service for Beth mostly tears tears and more tears me and Carl walk up and place a hand each onto the wooden cross we then walk away to our old walk path

We walk around and see it's just fine except for the tank in the yard I turn to Carl "let's get rid of that tank." He looks at me like I'm crazy "how are we a 11 year old and 12 year old boys going to move a tank?"

We laugh and I look up at the prison "after all this we're back here...." Carl walks close wrapping an arm around me we kiss and then watch the sunset

Ok guys I hope you've all enjoyed and I'll see ya next time bye!

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