Far From Home

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Sorry this chapter took so long but here it is I hope you all enjoy and now here we go...

Jakes POV:

"Who are you and what do you want!" I tell at the two strange men they put there hands up "hay we're just survivors like you our friend saw you boys and we've been lookin for ya"

I walk up and hold out my hand still pointing a gun at them "your weapons" I say they then pull out two pistols and two knives I take them then motion Carl over he cuffs them

"What are you two kids doin out here by your selves?" I turn to Carl he nods "we're not alone we're out on a food run our town back in Georgia" the man nods "I'm Gorge he's Tim our friend Jenny is still in the woods I have a walki in my bag can you call her for me?"

I look to Gorge and then to Carl we nod and Carl un-dose one cuff and attached it to the van I grab his bag and toss it over "there" he tanks me then gets a walki out of his bag "Jen Jen do you read?" I then hear a female voice "ya what's up Gorge?"

"We found those boys we're at the state line highway 18"

"Roger that I'm on my way"

I walk over "let me see that for a sec" he hesitantly hands it over I walk over to Carl who has a confused look I switch the channel to ours "base camp this is Jake do you read?"....

Jesse's POV:

I sat in the guard tower as the radio came on "base camp this is Jake do you read?" I jump as I hear his voice I pick up the mic "Jake this is Jesse we hear ya what's up?" A second passes "we're in Tennessee but we ran into some people I'm on there walki right now"

"What people are they friendly are you ok?" Another pause "ya we're fine they saw us last night and went looking how's everything there are the walkers gone?" I take a breath and get back on "we're good here the walkers are gone headin north the last group went out yesterday"

"North we're north why'd you do that" oh shit I forgot "fuck sorry guys I forgot you went north".....

Jakes POV:

"Ok guess we'll just be carful see ya in a few weeks"

"Roger that"

I hand Gorge his walki and thank him just as a twig snaps I whirl round and draw my gun as a young woman emerges from the woods

She raises her hands and I motion her over to where the two guys are she goes over and Neal's Carl cuffs her I lower my gun "alright now what do you guys want?" I say nice and loud the older guy Tim speaks

"Our friend Jen here saw you boys and has had us out here lookin ever since and now we found ya and it sounds like you've got a pretty good setup" I lean on the van

And look to Carl he nods "ya we've got a town about 30 or so people now we're on a food run" they look at each other as Tim speaks "could you take us in I know you just met us but we'll... it's not getting any better out here"

I take Carl around the van "what do you think?" I say quietly he leans on the van "I don't know they seem nice but then again they might not be" I think "well they were out all night looking for us" Carl nods "alright" we go back round to the three

"Alright I'm going to keep your guns for now you can have a knife to keep yourself safe but just know we may look young and all but I've killed more people and walkers than you could imagine so don't try anything" I cut them loose and we all pile in the van

After an hour or two we see a Wal-Mart we pull in me and Carl gear up and lock the others in our van we go to the door and I pound on it we wait "give it a sec big place" I say we wait after a minute I brake the glass door and we go in we each split I clear the left Carl the right

My side is barren of walkers I meet with Carl he smiles "what is it?" I ask he just hugs me "grab a cart and help" then he goes off with a cart I fallow and I see two entire isles of food chips cans cereal you name it we start pilling and after two trips we have it all and we get back in the car

I sit back and start on a joint because we filled the van once it's done I light up and blow out "time for home!" I say as I pass it the others speak up "is that weed" says Tim "ya you got a problem? " I say blowing another hit out they seem shocked and I load a bowl and pass it back " don't brake that bowl had it since before all this

We drive back home after a few uneventful days we come to it the hoard that had enveloped our town the three we picked up see it "what the hell?" I pull over and instruct for all curtains to be closed after that I explain

"When we left the town was enclosed by walkers our walls are sturdy but. We went into two teams one for a food run the other to lead away the walkers and those are the walkers we have to wait it out so get comfy but that bed is still mine and Carl's after that I put in some ear buds and Zone out....

Ok guys I'm really sorry it took so long but I had a lot to do with school and all but the end chapter is almost done so look forward to that so far I've filled 20 or so pages but anyways I'll see ya next time Bye!

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